
What do you think about the whole Caylee Anthony thing

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i think she is a lying horrible excuse for a human being, and so is her mom




  1. I think her mother is a hot babe and I would party with her.

  2. My personal opinion is that Caylee is dead by the hands of her mother Casey; probably accidental as a result of sheer neglect (i.e. left in hot car or drowned) or a scenario even more horrible (i.e. raped & murdered by some strange guy she was getting high with or something of the like.) I think she panicked, disposed of the little girl's body & then went back to business as usual. I think the grandmother truly sounded horrified & distraught on the 911 calls when she finally caught up with Casey. However, I do feel that the grandmother is covering for her now. The whole thing is just plain sad.

  3. My feeling is that Casey Anthony killed that little girl because she was a burden on her.  The girl didn't have a job, lied to everyone about going out of town for work, had this boyfriend and wanted to go party.  I think that since the Gonzales lady was looking around for apartments that she picked up the name of the lady at her boyfriends apartment, she may have overheard her name...I dont know.  This part confuses me...but I think Casey is living in an imaginary world full of lies and actually thinks people and authorities could be stupid enough to beleive her.  In all actuality, I think she killed Caylee then went to borrow the shovel, stole the gas, maybe even burned the sweet baby girl burried her body maybe somewhere close to where the car was found... I think there was something that she wanted out of the trunk of that car besides the gas cans when her dad wanted to open the trunk.  I'm not so sure it was Caylee herself but could have been some evidence.  I somewhat think that the grandmother knows a little more than she is letting on.  I also think the boyfriend could know a little more as well.  I think he could possibly have something to do with it.  But I do know that I hope Casey Anthony gets what she deserves.  I had my daughter when I was 19 as well, being a young mother is no excuse to kill your child.  And If my kids were missing for a minute I would be on the phone with the 911 and everyone else finding them.  

    I am thinking of poor sweet Caylee every minute of the day and I really do wish and hope she will be found alive and safe but if not, I hope she is brought hope to rest in peace and the Lord above is holding that baby tight.  

  4. I think Casey (Caylee's mom) should remain in jail until she rots, she knows where her daughter is but after 1 month missing won't tell anyone?

    I also think the girl is dead, maybe by accident, but dead. And I believe the grandparents know a lot more than they are admitting.

  5. I think the mother killed the daughter and the grandmother is lying to cover up for her. Both of them are POS scum. The grandmother's car smelled like a decomposing body which the grandmother first reported then retracted and said it was an old pizza. The mother never shed a tear or showed any anxiety or stress over her missing two year old.

  6. I honestly don't want to see CASEY Anthony or Cindy Anthony on the news anymore.  I no longer care about those 2.  I just want to hear that the little girl's alive, or what happened to her.

    This case is so baffling, I'd like to believe she's alive.. and just 'stashed' somewhere, because the whole family's acting crazy.. but maybe there are things 'they' - the police aren't telling us.

    If they are gathering any more evidence, though - Lean on that family!  I can't believe how nonchalant they are.  Lock them all up and see who talks 1st.

  7. i think her mom is covering for her.i think they like the attention from the media and are eventually gonna get caught! too many lies being told.

    they all need to be confronted by all the people they have lied about in front of the detectives and demand the truth.

  8. I think the preppy party mom has probably always been a horror...too many moms get away with acting like their children are a mere hindrance to there life. Sad, when children are the greatest part of life. Nevertheless, I think a mom (do they have words for her, as they do sperm donors as deadbeat men?) like Casey would never have likely been caught if it had not come to murder because of the way she is...and I do believe that is not very pretty...just exceptionally adept at floating through life as the center of attention.

    Something about Caylee, if she had lived, if she could survive a narcissist like Casey, would  surpass her mom in every way.

  9. um i donno. it seems likely shes dead. But. it wouldnt take 31 ays for you to morn over your dead baby! It would take forever, so it makes me wonder why shes so comfortable lying to people.

  10. I pray somebody finds the poor girl. I don't see why the mother isn't cooperating but I don't have any proof she did anything to harm her daughter.

  11. I think her mom killed her so she could party and I think Casey's mom is in the biggest denial of anyone I've ever heard of.  Personally, when a child is missing, I see no problem giving that ignorant Casey truth serum and if that doesn't work, torture wouldn't bother me one bit.  She deserves worse.

  12. I believe it might have been a tragic accident by the mom and the whole family is covering up.  

  13. I think something bad happened to Caylee, and her mother is responsible. I don't think Caylee is alive by now. It very well may be that the mother has a mental illness that led her to do whatever she did.

    I think the Grandmother called 911 to report her granddaughter missing, and then backpedaled when she realized that her daughter (the mother) might be involved.

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