
What do you think about the whole ordeal thats going down in Zimbabwe?

by  |  earlier

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Well i personally think its a bunch of bull. but thats my opinion, what so u think?




  1. I hate to say it but... sometimes violence is the only answer to violence.

    MDC party should be backed with serious power from the West to force a true vote and enough force there to prevent Mugabes henchmen from fixing the vote each time.

  2. they need help for sure to get that ******* @# ! out !! It is really sad when people use power to kill and starve other just to keep that power !

  3. Its a bad scene but the US cannot become involved.

  4. What's going on in Zimbabwe is total genocide and internal destruction of a state by a dictator who doesn't have any respect for human life or liberty.  It's just another uneducated black trying to stay in power to enjoy his life of luxury while the masses are chopped up, starving  and living in fear.  Also, he's head of another African state that uses slavery as means to control dissidents.  It's time to get rid of slavery, time to get rid of Mugabe.

  5. It stinks big time, but this is Africa.

    I wish the Wrights, Sharptons, and the Jacksons (not Michael, but Jesse) would try to influence Mugabe and or the other African nations to do the right thing.

    We get involved it turns into a Black/White issue.

  6. We (the west) need to intervene militarily to depose this vile pig from his seat of power before even more lives are lost.

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