I have fifteen horses on my horse farm, they're healthy horses that where rescued from an unsuitable enviroment but I have them now at my house, they're names are already the names I am going to list but how do you like them? some of them I would change but I never change an animal's name so how do you like them?
Echo (Ec-oe) thoroughbred(male
Thunder Tennesee Walker(male)
Persephone (Per-sef-on-ie) lipazzan (female)
Tewa (Tea-wa) is a pony who is a paint (male)
Thalia (Thal-ie-a) grey horse (female)
Shawnee (Shaw-nea) is a pinto (male)
Bukefalos (Buke-Fal-oes) Friesian male
Hidatsa (Hid-at-sa) a grey female
Triton (Trie-ton) an almost blue horse but grey
Cochiti (Co-chit-ie) Applaloosa
Lugh (Lue) Oldenburg male
Abenaki (abb-en-ak-ie) an Appaloosa
Clio (clie-ow) Palomino female
Epona (Ea-pon-a) Saddle bred male
Paiute (Pay-ute) a female grey horse female
The ones that I said are grey the animal rescuers couldn't identafy as a breed but they are grey, any way what..