
What do you think about these boy names?

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  1. I like them. I like Bennett the best. Eli is good, but have you considered using Elijah as the first name and then Eli for short?

  2. i like them but Landon is my favourite. it's unique

  3. eli- its okay, but reminds me of a trouble maker

    bennett- nah

    landon- my favorite of the list. sounds elegant but also just a normal name. what are the middle and last name gonna be?

  4. I like the name Eli.

    Eli Scott (Insert last name here).

    Just a thought.

  5. Landon is 100% the best choice of name.

    Eli and Bennett are not as nice.

    Choose Landon!!!

  6. eli is really cute name very interesting.

    The meaning of the name Eli is Height

    The origin of the name Eli is Hebrew .

    bennet to me seems like racecar name for some reason.

    The meaning of the name Bennett is Little Blessed One

    The origin of the name Bennett is Latin.

    landon is my fav.

    The meaning of the name Landon is From The Long Hill .

    The origin of the name Landon is English

  7. I love them all, and in that order. People are giving their kids at least 3 names now. Name him Eli Bennet Landon. Love it. He will have many more choices later if he wants to go by any of them.

  8. I love Eli as a nickname for Elias. Bennett is ok. I don't like Landon.

  9. I really like the name Eli, but short for Elijah.

    Bennett is alright, but I would like it better as a middle name.

    I like Landon too, but then again I don't.

  10. Landon is my favorite of them. I've always liked the name. Eli is my second favorite, although I would name him Elijah; Eli for short. I don't care much for the name Bennett though.

  11. Landon or you can spell it like this Landyn

  12. nice,.

  13. i LOVE the name bennett!

  14. I do like them all.

  15. landon is stunning!

    landon bennett sounds nice.

  16. All of these are handsome names! I like Eli the best, it's a strong name and isn't overly popular. Bennett is a close second, very solid name and will age great. I love Landon, but I know quite a few, so it doesn't seem as unique as the other two. Great names!

  17. i like Eli the best

  18. I think that Eli sounds like a girls name.

    Bennett is very nice, haven't heard that one yet.

    Landon is also nice but reminds me of Lando from Star Wars.

    Go with Bennett, then you can call him Ben for short.

  19. i don t like eli

    landon is getting very popular so watch out

    bennett is nice. have you read any of his plays? they are very funny

  20. They're great! I like Bennett the best, but they're all great!

  21. I love them! Eli is my favorite of the list. My nephews name is Elih. I also love Bennett. Landon is also cute but I think there are too many names like that end in "don" like Brandon, Brendon, Jaydon, Braydon, etc.

  22. Eli is fantastic.   I do prefer Elias with the nn Eli.

  23. i like eMM..

  24. eli definitely

  25. Landon is a great name! :o)

  26. Eli Bennett

  27. I like Eli, but don't care for the other two. But as another poster stated I'd name him Elijah.

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