
What do you think about these ideas on how to manage the Amazon?

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  1. i think it is hilarious that the developed nations of the world.. having completely raped their own land removing as many vestiges of natural landscape they can.. now are going to tell the underdeveloped world how to maintain a harmonious balance with nature...

    it is like parents who beat and abused their own children jumping on the Dr. Scott bandwagon and screaming how you shouldn't tell your kids no....

    perhaps when England, France, Germany, and Spain; dig up and or flatten a few cities.. then turn that land and all the surrounding farmland back over to nature.. the developing countries will listen to them.

  2. Why don't they let the people who own the land manage their own nations?

    I don't see it as any of our business now do you?

  3. the Amazon can manage very well without our interference it was hear before we came and left alone it will be here when we've gone,codger

  4. Oh like we have the answers? We need to leave the rain Forrest the way it is and let those people manage their own business

  5. I think  Brazil had better invest in a large army & nuclear weapons to keep the incompetent meddlers out of their affairs.

    their the first country in the world to succesfully  switch over to a bio fuel economy more than a decade ago(it helps that they've got a 12 month growing season)& now that they dont need oil they've recently discovered massive off shore oil fields.

    I'm not suprised the bankrupt countrys want to tell them how to do things now.

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