
What do you think about these names?

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I'm 15, But I was thinking about a little chubby german 6 month old boy who would have a really cute old-school name... Cant you imagine a 'charlie'? or a 'Oscar' or something cute and adorable like that? Just thinking about it, so what do you think about these names?

And also, I added the girls names just because I actually put more thought into those since I was younger, I know 'frances' is a weird name for a girl, but I think its unique and beauitful :)

For a boy:

Peter Charles

Jackson (Can you think of a middle name?)

Charles Jackson

Paul (can you think of a middle name?)

For a girl:

Frances Michelle

Emma Margarate




  1. I like Peter Charles or Charles Peter

    Jackson Lee

    Charles Jackson

    Paul Theodore

    Francis Michelle I like

    Emma Margarate (Margaret is my preferred spelling))

  2. Jackson Clark, Ryan Blake, Paul Summer, Jon Raleigh. Edward Kent.

    Bronwyn Claire, Emma Leigh, Margaret Melody

  3. nice...

  4. I already have a Jack and if he ever gets a brother he's going to be Charlie, so yes I like Charlie but i don't like any of the other names you have listed sorry

  5. Paul Bruce

    Jackson Martin

    Paul Craig

  6. For the most part, all of these names are classic. The only exceptions would be Jackson and Michelle. Both names are too trendy. They don't flow well with the other names you have chosen.

    My favorite is Peter Charles. Have you considered Emma Frances? It both flows well and is classic.

  7. I'm not sure why you're thinking of a little chubby german 6 month old boy specifically but I like Jackson Ray & Paul Dayton (that's my dad's first & middle name)

  8. All of your boy names are strong and classic! Jackson is my favorite, very handsome. Paul is my least favorite, not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just not my style. I like both girl names, Emma Margaret is so classy and pretty! I think Frances is a lovely girls name and it's very unique. Frances Michelle is very pretty together. Middle name suggestions:

    Jackson Miles

    Jackson David

    Jackson Joseph

    Jackson Charles

    Jackson Levi

    Jackson Mitchell

    Jackson Carter

    Jackson Dylan

    Jackson Trey

    Jackson Luke

    Jackson Blake

    Jackson Robert

    Jackson Andrew

    Paul Isaac

    Paul Michael

    Paul Bradley

    Paul David

    Paul Andrew

    Paul Alexander

    Paul Daniel

    Paul Eric

    Paul Douglas

    Paul Jacob

    Paul Jeffrey

    Paul Lucas

    Paul Marcus

    Paul Steven

    Best of luck!

  9. I'll rate them on a scale of 1-10 (1=hate,10=love)

    Peter Charles ~ 5 (its ok)

    Jackson ~ 10 (awesome name!)

    Charles Jackson ~ 4 (don't really like Charles)

    Paul ~ 3 (I don't like it)

    Middle names for Jackson and Paul:

    Jackson Evander

    Jackson Marcellus

    Jackson Isaiah

    Jackson Romeo

    Jackson Grey

    Jackson Oliver

    Jackson Rafael

    Jackson Dean

    Jackson Presley

    Jackson Timothy

    Jackson Edward

    Paul Henry

    Paul Iverson

    Paul Cedric

    Paul Anthony

    Paul Johnathan

    Paul Ezro

    Paul Landon

    Paul Emmanuel

    Paul Lucas

    Paul Emaus (Ee-may-is)

    Paul Seamus (shy-mis)

    Paul Xavier

    Paul Alecsander

    Paul Norman

    Paul Daniel

    Paul Julian

    Francis Michelle~ 10 (I absolutely love both names!!! They go really well together too. Michelle Francis sounds nice also.)

    Emma Margarate ~ 8 (Cute, but I prefer Margaret)

    Good luck! :o)

  10. Paul Alan

    and what about Joseph Jackson?

    or Jackson Sailor?

    and those names are good.

  11. I love Peter Charles and Charles (Charlie) as a first name. I don't like Jackson or Paul.

    Oscar is nice, too.

    I like both Frances and Emma, but prefer Emma. And I like the Margaret spelling best.

  12. for girls, I really like Amber Leigh and Marissa Christine :0)

    (Leigh is pronounced Lee, just in case you weren't sure. you wouldn't  believe how many people think it's "lay", lol)

  13. I think that the names are okay, but if you think about it the kid may want something a little more new and not something thats old-school. there the one who is going to have to live with it.


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