
What do you think about this...about mummies etc.?

by Guest10750  |  earlier

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Do you think that when people's bodies are mummified...or when the bodies of saints don't decompose...that their spirit is still trapped inside their body...or hanging around it? (Someone just mentioned this in an answer.) I think some churches believe that their spirit is still there...just like with the relics.




  1. Geez, I hope that their spirits don't have to hang around the body. What a boring, sucky existence that would be!

  2. well I really don't have a pov on it.

  3. well they do say if the nutrion salt is not rightly perzerved that they will not be mumified there spirt well stay traped in the coffin if they are perzerved right Anubis(god of mumification) juges there soul to see if they should go to the after life

  4. I think that is another reason why the Egyptians did it for spiritual reasons to trap the spirit inside the body forever

    And all the other reasons too....

    Anyways I have never heard of mummy ghost's before that would seem odd....

  5. Hi Deenie, my trip to Egypt, I got to enter the great pyramid of Cheops. EVERYBODY that  tried to enter found it gut wrenchingly difficult,granted the entrance is a steep slope into the earth's bowels,so that should be a test of fitness at the most. But how do you explain the claustrophobia almost everybody felt? And I 'm not claustrophobic to begin with.Plus I work out so I am in decent shape, then what was it we all were feeling?? At the risk of sounding demented, I say its all those spells those old guys put on their tombs for the protection of the spirit and to discourage tomb robbers. Those still stand,weak tho' they may be,and I almost felt the old pharoah disapproving all those tourists climbing in and out of his final resting place. Jeeez, I can't explain why every single person I spoke to felt that way,maybe they do hang around, THATS a cheerful thought.

  6. No, that's just silly.

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