
What do you think about this ambassador's words?

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German ambassador to Ankara, Mr.Eckart c***z, says that evidence of racism wasn't discovered in the fires that killed many Turks in Germany.

Do you think this is meaningful? Only Turks were targeted in repeated fires, day after day, and Mr.c***z doesn't think racism is involved.

Remember that immigrants were targeted in fires in France in previous years, and racism wasn't talked about there either.




  1. Actually Hilmar DOES know what he is talking about. HE has been there before to your country and is a Native German and a friend of mine though I am from the USA.

    I DO agree with what you are saying, I would hardly say it is not Racism but I agree with Hilmar and this is a travel section not a political section. I would repost also in that section and you may get some different answers than you are here. Just a thought, or GOTO the German section if Y!A and post it?

  2. If you refer to the fire in Ludwigshafen, targeted is the wrong word since the evidence currently points to an accident, not an attack. The most plausible explanation right now is that the electric wires in the cellar short-circuited and cuased the fire, but until the investigation hasn't ended, we won't know for sure.

    I haven't heard about any other fires in houses inhabited by turks over the last months.

  3. His statement is (up to now) accurate.

    There's no evidence whatsoever that would suggest

    an external source for the fire. The only link that ever

    suggested that was the kids story and that was a lie.

    If I'm not totally mistaken the current state of investigations

    suggests a cable fire caused by bad cabling in the cellar

    as source for the fire.

  4. Well, I find his explanation rather unfortunate.

    Unfortunately the racism and related attacks against Turks  and to the other minorities in Germany doesn't stop there; there is a Turkish origin German citizen who is in coma because he is beaten so bad in a police station where he went for refugee from two harassers.

    For more information, please refer to the news link below. You will find the article in both Turkish and English, together with a signature petition which is addressed to the German Government, in request to stop racist acts in Germany.

    In this context, please note that the racism issue in Germany doesn't concern a whole nation. There are fanatics in every country.

    Meanwhile, I also agree that this question is also to be asked in Current Events section; It will get more users' attention.

  5. Politicians must have a political tongue. If one of them says "Ouch, my arm hurts badly!" really meaning his arm, most people will read it as " the government is in crisis."

    It is not his words or excuses that count. It is the pain, the tragedy surrounding those Turks in a distant land that counts.

    There is a series of fires burning bodies of old and young in those houses. I believe It also burns the hearts of all considerate people in  Germany and Turkey.

    The lesson from those tragic fires is that both peoples must resist the call of the brutality emerging in the very heart of the modern Europe.

    LAST WORD: Lord says:" Vengence is mine!" We must listen to Him and trust the Law in Germany.

  6. This is the section travel Germany!

    Post your question in the politics section!

    Edit: I do not agree with the German ambassador in Turkey but I do not think posting that question here helps either.

    Feel free to mail me through my profile on here if you want to discuss as long as you feel you can stay friendly.

    BTW  I do have many friends of turkish origin.

    EDIT: As I often travel your country I do follow some of the debattes going on in the section Turkey travel do you really think that has something positive? I really don't think so!

  7. Hogwash,  racism against  Turkish people in Germany has been going on for many many years , German  Ambassador to Ankara is aether naive or too arrogant to accept it,

    It's all to easy for him to dismiss it as no evidence of racist attack,

    Tell that to my 3 year old niece

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