
What do you think about this animal in Idaho for rape/torture/murder?

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He kidnapped the boy he killed and his sister after murdering their family. Is there a punishment on this Earth severe enough for him?




  1. He's not an animal. An animal would not do what he has done. He is a monster - the worst kind of human being. Nothing would be severe enough for him.

    A man without a driver's license drove a vehicle that did not belong to him and ran down a 15 year old girl. He didn't stop, kept going. His first name is Jose. He's 35 years old. He is a monster too.  

  2. Personally, he should be put up against a wall and shot.  But no, he will be given a trial and get a slap on the hand, or other part in his case, given some time and then the shrinks will say he's okay to be released, to do it all again.

    Sahara has it right.  He is not an animal. An animal would never do this.  They have more common sense than that.  Only humans devise such things and carry them out. And they call animals dumb and us civilized.  Wrong.

  3. I don't think so. But I think whatever they do, it needs to be very slow and painful. It better not be life in prison.

  4. no, nothing will be enough!

  5. God will have the final say with this man..he will go to h**l unless he repents and gets saved..he is a very sick man..God will take care of him for what he did on earth

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