
What do you think about this artical on "pet lending"?

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  1. I don't really understand why people would be willing to do that. I think it is good about the shelters allowing people to take pets home (it allows the animals to get out of their kennels and become better socialized to make them more adoptable)

    My boyfriend and I decided to get a dog together when I got my own place. Our dachshund lives in my house, but my boyfriend is over all the time. We did discuss what would happen if we broke up before we got him so there wouldn't be any issues. But that is different than just two neighbours sharing a dog, unless they are really close I guess.

  2. i did not read your article but i think i know what it is about.

    it is wrong to share pets if the pet is living in seperate locations.

    animals, especially dogs, live off of consistent habits.

    pets get stressed out when they are constantly being taken to new settings/environments, especially with new strangers.

    just because some people want to "try out" a pet, the humans will benefit but the animals will suffer from stress.

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