
What do you think about this business idea?

by  |  earlier

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With the way gas prices are in austin texas were starting to see more and more mopeds and scooters on the road. what do yall think about openin a moped/scooter shop with the way gas prices are




  1. Sounds like a good idea to me.  Also think about a way to have a storage unit on them so people can do shopping etc.  Maybe produce matching back packs....same color scheme as the vehicles.

  2. Have look at this business, it is not a scam it’s list on the American stock exchange you make great friends and business partners from all over the world with whom you can share and create business ideas and help each other build your business. but it is a business and you need to treat it as such.

    You sound like you are serious about this.

    it can be done full time or part time , video media is exploding all over the Internet and Phones etc video communication is on the news every week,

    Be open minded and take a look at this multi-plex residual income international business with business partners all over the world to help you build your business.

    But don’t take my word do your own research

    Below are 2 link one for my site which every business partner gets and the other is a information site

    Take a look at both and get back to me if you need anything answered.

    on line business its fantastic

    you dont need massive over heads to get start like you would openning a scooter shop , the other thing is have you researched the market and what sort of advertising and who you are going to be targeting and is there a demand because with out a demand you have know business no matter what business you do  

    hope this helps cheers


  3. this is good!!

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