
What do you think about this college situation? Honest opinion 10 points best answer!?

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So I know this guy(ok he's kinda my crush) and he's going to be a freshmen in college. The college he is going to isn't really a big party school(or so what I've heard. It's Lock Haven, in PA).

His parents kinda treat him good. They trust him. They let him do what he wants. And I think that he already experiences freedom, so he will already know how it feels to have freedom once he gets to college.

He plays sports. I know he'll be playing baseball in college. I don't think that he's ever had a serious relationship before, and if he did, then it didn't last long. He isn't a manwhore, but he's had experience, and I'm pretty sure he's not a virgin. His senior year of high school he did like a girl but she was taken. They are both going to different colleges but he still may like her.

He does good in school. He does drink sometimes though. He is friends with some people that don't really make the best decisions, but their going to different coleges too. But I think that he is a good guy.

He's really hot. But all he wants is friendship or dating. And it kinda takes him awhile to warm up to new people. He's outgoing and social, but only to people that he really knows. He's shy and I don't think he really wanted to go to this college.

By the way I described him, do you think he is the kind of guy that will be wild and like have s*x a lot? I'm being serious about this so please no azzwhole answers.




  1. He will at first, because he is not experienced, not adore s*x, but once you work him in for a bit he will be craving it more than you ;)

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