
What do you think about this comment by John McCain re Chelsea Clinton?

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"Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly?" he told a handful of big Republican funders. "Because Janet Reno is her father."

The remark packed into its 15 words several layers of misogyny. It disparaged the looks of Chelsea, then 18 and barely out of high school; it portrayed Reno as a man at a time when she was serving as the first female US attorney general; and it implied that Hillary Clinton was engaged in a L*****n affair while the Monica Lewinsky scandal was blazing. Not bad going, Senator McCain.

From the following article:




  1. ohhhhh God forbid YOU never made any bad jokes like that. Of course you are not a politician or running for president and of course THEY are not humans they never joke OR make mistakes so really it is very very offensive. How dare he huh?

    Boohoo! You have a beautiful name Eve, a nice picture of i assume Sophia Loren ... but i am sure you are an ugly hairy dude hiding behind it.

    I suggest you focus on the REAL issues for a change.

  2. Now that does explain why Chelsea looks the way she does.

  3. What do I think of it?  I think the Palin family is fair game.

    John McCain is a pig.

  4. Well so it was admittedly a joke and told to only 15 people and everyone involved was an adult.

    And remember Reno was responsible for the deaths of seventy-six people, including 21 children and two pregnant women, along with branch Davidian leader Vernon Wayne Howell, better known as David Koresh,  in a fire in WACO, TEXAS: April 19, 1993.

  5. I think McCan't should pick on somebody his own size.

    I'll be happy to meet with him.

  6. I all ways wondered about that . ya think bill knows ?

  7. Chelsea Clinton never got herself knocked up and she's lookin' fine these days too.

    Bill and Hillary= Family Values!

    McCain choosing Palin is cynical and reeks of political pandering. If he'd have picked Lieberman, I could have voted for him. THAT would have been an honest and insightful choice and could have made him a candidate for change as well. Palin is same soup, different spoon.

  8. It's been 10 years since he made that comment and Chelsea has survived just fine. It was a joke. No one's saying it wasn't tasteless.

  9. It was funny, you have to admit that!

    Chelsea did grow up into a beautiful young woman.

  10. In the average Republican's eyes, it's okay that he said those things because he's Republican and they turn a blind eye and make excuses when one of their own gets their hands caught in the cookie jar. OR they'll find a way to blame it on the Democrats as usual.

    The answer above me proves my point exactly! They'll always find a way to justify the actions of one of their own no matter how tactless.

  11. He was wrong.  When they talk about his old behind, it is a crime.  Could it be that he is sensitive or just too old to realize!!!

  12. something said as a joke no matter how tasteless is still better than saying something untrue and distasteful  as a fact

  13. could be true, but i dont buy it.  mccain doesnt seem to have a sense of humor.

    mccain 08

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