
What do you think about this dream ( HORRIBLE DREAM ) .. ?

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I think it was a dream within a dream, I don't really know, because

I had more dreams after that one that I don't remember, it's hard cause I have a headache,


anyways, In the dream I woke up in the position I was sleeping,

but I was like paralyzed, I could bearly move, But I could force my arms to pull my legs out of bed, ( I do recall great Preassure Pressing at my body ) ( And I do recall Fear ),

Then when I got up, I walked around with ease, but only to find out that my reality had been tampered with.

I woke up like that over and over IN THE DREAM, about 8-10 times, in the same manner , but that dream gave me a feeling of extreme helplessness, and I felt that someone was doing this. ( Note: in real life i'm easy going but paranoid )

Anyways, I would really like to never have this dream again,

I've heard of nightmares, but in nightmares, I can sort of understand that it's just a nightmare, but this dream really did a number on me.




  1. Feeling lack of control basically comes from how you feel in reality.  You may be feeling your control being governed by some other forces which triggered the helplessness in dream.

    In other words, you are feeling pressure, that means in your subconscious mind, you feel things that are controlling over you and  in dream, you projected the same feeling.

    However, sometimes, it may be because of your physical condition that trigger the pressure feeling in dream.  For example, if you have heart problem, or heart beating fast will trigger nightmare, and vice versa.  It all depends on  your physical condition.  

    If you have no physical problem, that feeling in your dream reflects the helplessness in day time. and you just projected that to the dream to confirm your feeling of being lack of control.

  2. freud would say its because u wanted to have s*x with your mother while being watched by a herd of cattle

    but id just say u had bad dream ;)

  3. thats a freaky dream i would expect to see in a horror movie

  4. I have had dreams like that a long time ago.   One must be careful about overdoing thing and getting yourself too worn down.   You seemed to have sort of an out-of-body  experiences in the dreams.  Kind of like you were attempting to get your body to move, but ended up just moving your spirit.  Sleep paralysis is the state the body tends to be in when you sleep to prevent you from moving while in this state.  You just could not get yourself out of this state the way that would naturally happen when attempting to wake up.   As for someone doing this, a lot of things can happen in one's sleep related to the spiritual realm.  When one is worn down spiritually, one becomes more vulnerable to negative type spirits, which you would normally scare off.   A lot of times when one is being affected by things that are of the spiritual realm, the physical body is also affected.  So one can explain the situation as a purely physical condition you were dealing with, or one can explain it in terms of the spiritual.   You do need to work on getting stronger spiritually and recharging your spiritual batteries.   One does not want to be a victim in one's dreams or in the waking world.   One needs to be sort of like a spiritual warior in life, fighting one day at a time to protect one's rights and personal space.   Meditation/prayer,  mind-body exercise or other exercise, eating healthy with nutritional supplements if needed, and not over-indulging,  will help you to get stronger spiritually, so as to not reach such a state or position in one's sleep.   One does have to be careful to not let the demands of others prevent you from taking proper care of yourself.

  5. check out (google): japanese ghost syndrome

  6. SSJ3 Obi, Hey, I have had many experiences like that and I am going to be very honest with you about these types of experiences.   If you don't believe in the spirit world you will not be able to understand what I am about to say.  But you had a encounter with a demonic spirit or evil spirit as some say.  Evil spirits are the inspiration of all nightmares.  When they come to people in their dreams, they bring the presence of fear with them.  Fear is one on the tools they use to exercise power over you.  Fear is the gateway which allows them to give you nightmares and stay in your life. It is the fear of their presence which actually produces "paralysis".  The way you described your conflict.  It represents that this presence is trying to oppress you.  And the reason that you are seeing this pattern (8-10 times) over and over is because their is a repeated attempt, over and over by this presence to take control of an area of your life.  But you have resisted his attempts repeatedly to a degree.  I have dealt with this for years and I am a Christian and the Lord has given me great insight into understanding the spirit world and demons.  Only a relationship with Jesus Christ is a sure way to keep demons out of your life.   Okay, SSJ4 Goku.  Take care and God bless you.  Patrick.

  7. I've had similar experiences, usually from taking a medication.  It is a scary feeling but don't let it bother you now that your awake.

    For some reason in this state of mind it is really scary and I have had this happen enough times to let you know that it won't hurt you while sleeping or while awake.

    Hope this was helpful

  8. scary

  9. It may not be a dream after all but, a condition called 'sleep paralysis'.

    May occur just before you fall asleep or before you wake up.

    Yes, during the event, you can get different kinds of sensations ranging from feeling a pressure on your chest to feeling that you are flying, hearing weird noises and if you open your eyes you may just see stuff.etc. Its terrifying.

    Usually, its caused by stress or lack of sleep. :)

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