
What do you think about this dresses?

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I like Stephanie Seymour wedding dress in the Guns n roses visdeo ( november rain) I whould like to have mine just like one of this....

Is too "HOT" 4 a wedding ????




  1. Not my style at all, but if you've got the legs to pull it off then go for it!

  2. Try it on, see how it looks on you.  

  3. U do want him to say yes right? Not a good idea!

  4. sorry not my thing, I wouldn't try to pull S****y at your wedding. Good luck!

  5. ew i really think its ugly!

  6. ew...not cute at all

  7. wow,,,,that's very different,,,i wouldn't pick any of those but you should try it on and many others and only then will you fall in love with the dress that right for you,, and in the end you should go for the dress that you want and don't care what anyone else thinks because its your day



  8. Its not too "HOT" its too "UGLY"

  9. Oh my gosh, I am sorry but that is awful!! Not my taste at all! Would you be getting married in a church? Because to me, that would be quite disrespectful and I would be shocked if I went to your wedding.

    However, if you choose to go for that style dress, I think you will have to have a very particular body shape - probably very tall, very thin. It would be hard to carry off!

  10. I think that I dislike how "poofy" it is more than the fact that the front is shorter than the back.  I don't like the big sleeves.

    But when it really boils down to it, it doesn't matter what we think, it is your day.  Wear what you want.

  11. The actual November Rain dress looks a little dated (and it should, it's close to 25 years old), but the ones inspired by it are pretty cute. Just try it on and see what you think!! I wouldn't worry about it being too "hot".

    I for one love this dress that you had posted:

  12. yes a little to hot for a wedding maybe you could get  it modernized and not as short in the front.

  13. i dont think its appropriate at all.

  14. Ohmigosh you have really REALLY bad taste. That is FUGLY!

  15. If you like it and you're comfortable in, s***w everyone else. Its your day after all.  

  16. It's your day, have fun. Just think back to those gross 80's wedding pictures before you choose. The hair, accessories and shoes will make a difference

  17. Traditionally - it's not all that nice but hey, who says everyone must have a traditional wedding. If you like it and it reflects your personality or something - go ahead. I personally wouldn't wear it.

  18. If you're having an 80s theme wedding than that would be awesome. If not, I would say stay away from that dress and all of its sisters lol.

  19. Try it and see if you like it.  

    Personally, it isn't a style that I like, and I don't think it is flattering on anyone...but if you and your man like it, then why not?

  20. Go in for a nice traditional wedding dress. I feel those look very pretty and elegant.

  21. Ha, oh gosh, does that brings back memories. I used to love this video when I was younger (still do!).

    However, that dress is totally 80s and not pretty at all, unless you are, in fact, marrying Axel Rose.

    There are a lot of pretty dresses out there that are shorter (not mini skirt short, though), and you could always have one hemmed, of course. But you would definitely regret wearing that dress, even if you're a little on the funky side.

    That's just my opinion, anyway. Of course, you need to do what you think is best for YOU.

  22. Personally I feel that those dresses are just a little too much for a wedding.I think that you should consider another dress idea.  

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