
What do you think about this enviormental car? will it ever be on the road? would you buy it?

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Tell me what you guys think! It says here that the engine uses compressed air and it shows some other stuff.

Enviormentalists and non Enviormentalists: opinions please!




  1. Have seen it on TV a non starter.Uses loads more energy to get the compressed air into the tank and then its range is so limited it isnt worth driving.It would be better to put a couple of holes in the floor and push it with your feet...just like the "Flintstones".

  2. It won't be on the road in the USA because it's too lightweight.  It wouldn't pass our crash tests.

    Anyway, you have to use electricity to pressurize the air.  A better technology is electric cars, like these:

  3. I've heard about this car, and it will never hit the market. For several reasons.

    -The car needs huge air tanks, and even then it can't go far.

    -Speed is very limited.

    -Although refueling would take seconds, it would require electricity to run th compressor, which would (most likely be made through coal-burning power plants)...

    Hydrogen or electricity has much more potential.

  4. Bad idea, I hope not, no way.

    I'd rather a hybrid using a synthetic diesel fuel (with essentially zero emissions) myself (or maybe hydrogen fuel cell).

    Oh even a nuclear powered car, although the radiation shielding might be a bit heavy.

  5. Stupid Americans will never buy it since they want to look "cool" in their escaldes. Plus they need a big car to hold hold up thier heavy wieght.

  6. I'd rather buy the jet air pack that 007 used in the movie.  That thing actually flew very well.

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