
What do you think about this ? (hitting your kids)?

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my neighbor told me this story of what he did lets say you think your son only 13 is disrespecting you, could you hit him and i mean throwing him to the ground and choking him against the wall ?




  1. you whup his ***. but that is kinda too far

  2. No choking and holding your child against the wall is definately child abuse because your not disiplining him you are simply challenging him to fight because that is very threatening if my dad put me up against the wall like that we'd be fighting(especually because I am a female.)

    But there are other things that you can do: swat him with the belt, make him go outside and bread three sticks together and beat him, or you could hit him with your hands.

  3. That's Crazy.

  4. I'm pretty sure that's illegal, unless, like, you live in China or something.  

  5. I don't agree with it but just about every guy I know says he tested his Dad at about 15-17 years old and got a good punch to the jaw, just to remind the son who the "Man" of the house was.   I DO NOT agree with this.

  6. Call the cops.

    AND: Any parent that controls their child with fear/intimidation is not a good parent. It shows a lack of intelligence and a lack of knowledge in how to deal with other humans using words and thoughts, not FISTS and BELTS!

    It just spawns violence, saying "physical force is needed" at times, when it almost NEVER is!

  7. well thats wrong and illegal. What if it gets out of hand and he ends up killing him!

  8. no you can not that is child abuse.

  9. Child abuse. A simple spanking for younger children, grounding and taking away other privileges for teenagers is acceptable. Choking NOT

  10. A parent should never lay a harmful hand on their kids, under any circumstances. It's just wrong. And it's a vicious cycle most of the time. A kid will grow up thinking "well hey, it happened to me and i turned out alright". It's abuse and anyone who does it should be reported to the police.

    Child abuse is constantly growing...physical and scars kids mentally and physically and there's a reason there's laws against it.

  11. first of all, your nieghbor needs to be accused of child abuse.

    secondly, children at 13 do not need to be put under emotional and physical things like that, they will remember it for the rest of their life and never forgive it.


  12. CHiLD ABUSE!

  13. That's definitely child abuse.

  14. I never did that to my kids, but my father used to beat me.. he broke my arm once, pounded my head against walls and pulled me around by the hair.  Today, he denies it all.

    I have kids of my own.  I never beat them.. the worst i did was give them a smack on the butt to get them moving...

  15. turn that parent into the police. ASAP chances are it's not the first time!!!!

  16. child abusive

    the 13 year old should call child services

    i mean its okay to spank/slap ur kids if its like necessary.. im talking bout the spank on the butt/face kinda thing

    but not choking him and throwing him as close to making him die

  17. Throwing your child to the ground or choking them is not 'discipline', that is child abuse. I grew up a 'disciplined' child; my parents did the soap in your mouth routine when I said something rude or naughty...standing in the corner, spankings...but nothing like what you're describing.  

  18. That is child abuse! Anything except for a pop in the butt (for younger kids) and maybe a pop in the mouth for older kids (if they are that disrespectful). That is WAY to harsh though! Call CPS and report that woman!

  19. no, you would go to jail.

  20. No obviously not that's Child Abuse!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. I don't think causing bodily injury to your kids is a good way to discipline, whether thats through choking, hitting, or throwing.

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