
What do you think about this horse flu and how do you think it will affect the racing industy industry?

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it would be interesting to know what you people think as the melboourne cup is coming up and so are many other horse events




  1. The main problem with the EI outbreak in Australia is that very few horses have been vaccinated against it.  In Europe and North America, as well as many other countries, horses are vaccinated against the disease so an outbreak is not as much of a concern.

    EI has a 100% infection rate in unvaccinated horses that are exposed to it, so the sooner they start vaccinating in Australia the better.  I actually feel that the trainer in Brisbane that deliberatly infected his horses was doing the right thing.  The sooner horses are exposed to it, the sooner the outbreak will be over.  It is rarely fatal (most fatalities are in very young or very old horses, or those that have exisiting respiratory problems) and in fact only one horse, of the thousands so far infected, has died.

    There are no real implications for the worldwide industry, but in Australia itself this will have a knock on effect for years.

    At the moment Victoria is free from EI and as long as it stays that way the Melbourne Cup will go ahead.  Competitors from outsied Australia can still fly in to take part as long as they fly directly into Victoria and do not come into contact with the infected premises.

  2. very bad

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