
What do you think about this idea for a winter break tournament

by  |  earlier

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this is apparently what the premier league are planning instead of the 31 game plan do you think it can happen??




  1. it would be nice , if that happens........

  2. It's a rubbish idea and another one to squeeze more cash out of fans.  Bollocks to it.

  3. it's hardly a break if they are still playing competition football even tho' the trophy would probably not be considered worth much - and I wouldn't say 5m was much of an incentive these days.....

    purely from a selfish point of view, it would be a much better option to play this tournament in the summer months in between the big Euro/national competitions.....

    makes no sense to risk injury to players in the middle of our season.....

  4. I was totally against the 39th game and i cant see this idea getting any further off the ground, the December/January months are congested enough as it is, so if they bring in a 12 day gap for this new Winter Break Tournament, what happens to the games that are normally played during this period?

    Congestion elsewhere in the season!

    Scud should think his ideas through a bit more carefully before thinking money first, because this is obviously what he was thinking for the 39th game and now this, money money money from overseas.

    Hopefully the November board meetings will see the pit falls of this idea too, before agreeing to this.

  5. Now let me get this straight.  They're thinking about a mid-winter break, and in this break they're going to  I'll have to get back to you on that one!

  6. Footballers are paid a bloody fortune to do something they love, yet they always want more time off and more money. Make them work even harder I say, the great Liverpool teams of the 70's and 80's didn't need a winter break.

    I'm an Ipswich Town supporter by the way.  

  7. No, I'm really not a fan of the winter break idea.

    I love the Christmas period of the Premiership because it's so crucial. The teams play like 3 games in a week, and this can change the table drastically.

    Plus, if you put a break in the season, players will lose their form. If a player is playing really well just before Christmas and then they stop for a month, he'll come back not playing as well.

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