
What do you think about this name for my baby boy?

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I am romanian and my bf is black and together we tried to decided on a name that is in between the two..and we came up with ELIJAH which means "the lord is my God". we cant truly decide on a middle name its between Elijah Daniel Penn which is my decesed uncle that died about a month before I found out I was pregnant or Elijah Antonio Penn which is his dads middle name. What do u guys about the name? which middle name sounds better w elijah?




  1. Seriously if I had a son that's what I would name him.  I like Daniel but I don't think it flows as well as Antonio.  Which has more meaning is what you should go with.

  2. Lovely name =)

  3. How about this Idea give the boy your father's name and give him your boyfriend's name as his middle name. Of the choices you gave, I liked Elijah Daniel the best. Is Penn your last name or his?  

  4. Elijah Daniel Penn sounds nice....Elijah Antonio Penn is a bit of a mouth full.

  5. neither completely ring, but i think that Elijah Daniel Penn goes best together

  6. I love Elijah Daniel.

  7. I like the name Elijah..

    Elijah Daniel Penn sounds nice to me

    congratulations on your baby boy!

  8. I like the name Elijah.  I think it sounds better with Daniel as the middle name.

  9. Antonio sounds better, but I like the idea of naming him after your late uncle. Either name is nice, but I just like the sound of 'Antonio''s much more elegant and romantic.

  10. antoni is an amazimg middle name.

  11. Honestly, you should give him2 middle names. My brother has two of them... Eduard and Wisdom (in that order)

    Those two names sound good together :)

  12. I think Elijah Daniel Penn sounds best, myself.

    cute name. (:

  13. Elijah Daniel is better

  14. well i wouldn't go with elijah, it's too common of a name like john.  I'd go with something like Nebakanezer Daniel Penn

  15. Daniel, most certainly. The syllables balence out nicely, while with antonio it sounds tooo long.

  16. I like it - good name.

    As for a middle name I think Antonio has a ring to it.

    All the best.

  17. I'd say Daniel

  18. I don't know why, but Elijah Daniel Penn sticks out more for me. Maybe it's the "Da" noise in Daniel. Has more percussion than Elijah Antonio Penn (if that is even a factor is naming someone, I don't really know).


  20. I like elijah daniel better

  21. I love Elijah Daniel - it's a great name - classic, yet unique.

  22. wonderful name

    antonio is better

  23. Elijah would do...

    how about Elijah Jade Penn =)

    if you want something manly...

    Elijah Rodrigo Penn

  24. Elijah Daniel Penn

  25. It sounds like "He'll hide your pen"  Maybe "Ballpoint" or "Fountain"

  26. Elijah Daniel Penn is not only a lovely and unique name to choose its also truely sooo in respect of your uncle who passed away which i think is great!!...

  27. Elijah Daniel is awesome!

    Go with that!

  28. Elijah Daniel.. Its more modern..

  29. elijah daniel penn sounds better

  30. They are both lovely names.

    But I gotta say Elijah DANIEL Penn.

    But I think Antonio sounds s**y!

    Good Luck!


    Luv is Life.

  31. Elijah Antonio Penn flows much more nicely. I like this one. Congratulations and best of luck with your baby boy!

    Edit: I also want to add that honoring your son with your uncle's name would be a really nice idea but honoring his father is important too. It's really up to you with which has more meaning. I automatically just gave you what I though sounded the best. Antonio sounds masculine, strong and very romantic in my opinion. Daniel's a nice name, I really like it - it's also biblical like Elijah.

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