We spend are whole life waiting to die afriad to die what if that is the reason we are living? we go through are lives fearing death, we say we dont want to die, but what if you had the choice not to die? to become immoral. would you? whould you want that choice the choice that seems like the perfect way out no more fearing waiting. becase it will never come. but what if that is why we live? what if we live to die? we all spend what little time whe have here on earth with worry, worry about what could come and what will come. when in truth we have nothing to worry about. if you had not limit on your time if time became a not somethng tacking time or giving. it would just be there. time would soon feel like someting that you dont need anymore. you could do what you have always wanted but never had time for. but once you dont have that limit and you can do what ever you want you. life becomes use less. what are you living for anymore? you know theres no end so what live worth living if theres no reason? what if the real reason for living is to end? you find what you can in life, take pride in it and charish it. You find true love and every minute in your life becomes inprotant, becase it could end in any minute. so life is worth living with no fear of death beacuse death is what where living for right?