
What do you think about this??

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If I sent this girl an email after we hadn't spoken for about 2 months saying that I think we need to meet up one day and talk about something that happened between us a while ago (the reason why we weren't talking), would you write back straight away?

Because it's been about 5 days and she hasn't written back and I don't know if that's because she doesn't want to talk (I'm guessing she does though) or if she didn't read the email. She may or may not be the type of girl that checks her email alot or not, I'm not sure. I'm planning to send her a myspace message in a couple of days saying something like...'Did you get that email I sent you? I kinda just would like a response to know you at least read it, but your thoughts on the whole thing would be nice, yeah?'

So, my final question is, do you think that's cool, what I did? And should I follow it up with that myspace message? I would talk to her in real life but we're both really 'awkward' around each other so I thought this might be a better way to go about it and arrange a meeting.

Also, just a side note, she's quite a stubborn girl lol but she's got a soft spot for me so I'm hoping it's still there and she'll at least give me the time of day.




  1. Quit being a wimp, and ask her yourself in person not via the internet

  2. Well, it's obvious she doesn't want to talk to you! Have you ever considered NOT using the internet? She can totally avoid it- go talk to her. Doesn't matter if it's awkward. If you really cared about seeing her, you wouldn't wait for a stupid email or Myspace!!

    I don't care if it's cool!! What could you possibly mean by asking that? Well, my answer is no, because you can't wait for the internet to solve your real problems! I wouldn't write back, I would think you are being quite stubborn yourself for using a computer for this and for not apologizing. The point is, even if you're right, apologize and you can be friends again, okay? If she's got a soft spot for you, she'll talk to you face-to-face because she'll know you really care.

    Good luck to you!

    Also, it is logical! It's not over the top, she'll understand. No, it's not a good way to go about it. But it's good that you tried something. Apparently you care. I would give you a chance to talk if you talked to me first!

  3. I would follow-up with the myspace message, but not with all that junk. Just say "Did you get that email I sent you?" Because these days, people check their myspace way more often than their email. Also, if she doesn't answer to either your email or myspace message, then I think it's clear she doesn't want to talk. You can also check if she read your myspace message by looking in your "sent" folder. And I think that's cool what you did, how you're trying to sort of "reconnect." That's how me and my boyfriend "re-met" so I'm all for it.

  4. well i think it is nice that you want to keep in contact but if what happened between you two were bad then it would be not that great of an idea. but if you two can still get along it is okay to talk. i guess it is cool but if you keep harassing her about it then she will get more pissed. hopefully that soft spot is still there.

  5. Get your lilly liver out there and show some guts!  She might be trying to blow you off and you're shy enough to let her!  Buy some flowers and go visit her!  God guys are so silly sometimes!

  6. I would not send her a second message. Odds are, she did get your email and she's stewing about it. If she doesn't respond to you in a week or so, she is not interested. Girls are caddy (I know, I am one!) and they aren't likely to have that conversation with you, telling you that she's not interested. IF she is interested in reconciling, you will hear from her. If you send her another message, she'll take it as if you are smothering her and you will remain at arms length. Lay low!!

  7. hmm how 'bout I'm looking forward to hearing from you'.  

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