
What do you think about this "UFO-Fleet" in Peru?

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Here is the video:

And don`t try to tell me these "things" are birds... ;-)




  1. they are not birds thats for sure, birds can not simply just stand there in mid air, and for that long, nor a group of birds....i am starting to believe in ufo,s, and that clip looked real.....i had a friend that went to peru, when the earth quake hit early this year, and lights were seen up in the sky, but i think (ive heard when earthquakes hit most likely lights appear in the air) im not sure on this...ive also read other ufo sightings that the ufo,s made a pattern in the sky, just like in the video....when something like this happens, and also paranormal (ghosts and such) people will come up with every excuse in the book as to what it is, all except that just maybe these phenonemens do exist....

  2. Oh,don't mind them.They just stopped to refuel on their trans-galactic trip.

  3. Must go to the hardware store and buy plastic sheets and duck tape.

    Its all the wrld coming to an end!

    Look forward to seeing Superman flying past in the following frames.

  4. Those could have been balloons from a wedding for all I know.  Considering they didn't show much of it and what they did show was difficult to see, it could have been anything. If they showed more if it we could perhaps tell if the objects were ascending, descending or maintaining altitude.  As it is I would say there isn't enough information in that video to draw any sort of conclusion.

    Considering it was in Latin America I am just glad to see they didn't attribute it to the Virgin Mary.

  5. There's something out there, probably demons.

  6. Any chance somebody could have made a really huge kite with lights on it? (like some people say they made crop circles)...or did they see this thing fly off into the  sky? I don't remember seeing one that looked like this. Very scary!! I hope it's a kite or someone playing a trick.

  7. that's a ufo for sure

  8. Some crappy wedding that would be with balloons that fly in formation and are all the same color. Still, this is nothing new and since there aren't any close-up photos or videos of them it's not very exciting. (yawn)

  9. BIRDS, BIG FAT SWANS MOST LIKELY.  Did you know that airliners have hit geese as high as 30,000 feet and smashed windows.

  10. birds arent still in the air, they move around.

    if its a hoax, then some guy in some airplane released some chemical in the air and those big, white, floating "bubbles" were created. there are many chemicals that floats in the air.

  11. Sorry, I'd like to say that I believe they are ufo's but it looks like just birds to me.

  12. I think they are UFOs in the proper use of the word meaning "Unidentified Flying Objects"

    However, Peru has long been known for their advanced military technology and state of the art electronic surveillance system so I'm quite sure that the super secret invisible jets that were scrambled to intercept them already have this phenomena identified.

    Also, the video was faked, the newscasters were just fooled, and all the so called eye witnesses were just people that out of pure coincidence were standing around looking at the clouds on that day at that time.

    There is no need or reason to investigate any further because there is No Evidence of UFOs and nothing could be learned from studying, experimenting, or looking for answers.

    Am I shouting louding enough? I said There is No Evidence.

  13. I do believe in UFO's but I don't see what is so special in that video. Sorry.

  14. i think it's cool ,thanks

  15. they ARE birds, lol,  some pretty funny answers people, but wouldn't it be cool if  that was UFOs and they don't kill us? We could go to them with all our questions, ha.

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