
What do you think about this sample pregnancy diet.....21 weeks?

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Do you think I am getting all reqd nutrients with this diet? Do you think it is too much or too less in terms of quantity? I eat only when I feel hungry, and I have put on 11 pounds until now.

Sample diet:

7:30 am - 1 slice whole grain toast, 1 mug of milk, 1 t-spoon sugar

9:30 am - 1 whole grain bagel, 2-egg omlette, 1 table-spoon ketchup

1:00 pm - 1 serving brown rice, 1 serving chicken curry, 1 cup veggie salad

3:00 pm - A large bowl with assorted fruits and nuts (mango, prunes, pineapple, grapefruit, watermelon, walnuts etc.)

5:00 pm - 1/2 cup almonds and raisins

7:00 pm - 1 large cup oatmeal with milk

9:00 pm - 1 banana OR 1 yoghurt OR 1 mug milk

another small healthy snack if hungry in the middle of the night!

I do have a piece of chocolate or a diet soda or a couple of french fries or a pickle once in a while. Of course, I also take the pre-natal.

What do you guys think?




  1. :) LOL! I only eat fast food...

    Good for you! Sounds good. I believe you are getting in everything you need. You're going to be super healthy!

    EDIT: I guess the second poster is correct! Lol. You don't have dinner there, do ya? YOu might get hungry with this plan! Unless thats the way you eat normally. Make sure you get enough of everything for your baby

  2. where is your dinner?!  Why are you so centered on how much weight you gain.  Yes it is good to be conscious of what you eat while PG - but i think you are going a little overboard myself.  Its great that you dont eat unless your hunger - are you a vegetarian?  Where is the protein besides the eggs and i guess chix has some protein.....

    I think its great that you are monitoring what you are eating - but i think you need to add some fats - which you and the baby need!  and some protein?  And where is the OJ -= that has some great stuff in it for you and baby!

  3. Seems to be low on vegetables.  Beyond the salad, I see no other vegetables in there.  And a bit heavy, in general, on carbs. (Lots of grains and fruits.  Comparatively little protein and fat. [Unless you're drinking whole milk.])

    Don't obsess about your diet.  Eat a balanced diet with the foods you enjoy (including the odd treat), and don't agonize over every bite.  

  4. Geez, that diet seems rather anal...

    There def. isnt enough protein, and why no dinner?

    A good thing is all the fruit you have incorporated

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