
What do you think about this saying? Can you relate to it?

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"I still dream of lips I never should have kissed"




  1. Years ago I had a best friend who is of the opposite s*x. We had known one another since grade school. When we got into High School, I began to feel something more for 'Joan'. One night we went to a movie alone. (Before this, we had always gone with a group; but I wanted to be alone with her. And I guess she did too). After the movie, I drove to a dark, secluded spot overlooking a lake. There was a very romantic mood between us, even though I had been nervously talking for about 15 minutes. Then I stopped, turn to her and kissed her. OMG! It was like kissing my sister! We weren’t far from her house. So I drove her home. Dropped her off, and went home. Without saying a word.  I often think about her. And wonder, had we been a little older, would we be together today? This was the first  time I had ever kissed a women, (other than my mother or one of my aunts. And that was always on the cheek).

  2. its true. i think it relates to me b/c of my ex. we went out for a year, and things got bad, so i had to end it. it was the best thing that ever happened to me, the relationship, not the break-up. and even now, months later, i still dream about her.

  3. Seems to express a longing for someone the speaker cannot be with. That's kinda sad. And I can relate somewhat when I remember the crushes I had that didn't even know I existed. *sniffle sniffle*

  4. Not in the least .While i do dream of lips [and possibly other body parts ] that i have kissed I don't regret for one second that  I did because at the time it was the right thing to do and I  enjoyed the experience immensely.

  5. nah. I love this new set of lips in with.

  6. yes it was really horrific.............why does my eyes have to well up each time i think of it:s

  7. yea its happened to me lately like in the pass few weeks. i still regret it when ever i see that person. it still hurts, now i need a moment of peace cause that was a horrific flashback i  have just experienced

  8. The only lips I should never have kissed were those of my ex-husband....Of course then I wouldn't have Tyler so I have to say.....No regrets!

  9. Unrequited love........something that you want to have, to embrace to love and you know it's an unattainable/unreachable/unrealistic goal.......

    But, alas, that's human nature.......

    We've all been there at some point (or will be) in our lives....



  10. Oh yes I had my days when I was not married, But have the right lips now. so I feel blessed.

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