
What do you think about this situation??

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i've been friends with this guy for a long time... even when he had a girlfriend we were still really close (but they broke up). we hangout alot and talk constantly. but i think there has always been that little something... i mean its always been obvious that we've been attracted to eachother but neither of us would talk about it.

but recently we were just hanging out and... ended up kissing. i dont even really know how but it was amazing. and since then we've been fooling around and stuff... just having fun i guess. we haven't told any of our friends though so its like we have a secret... at school we just act like friends but when we're alone its totally different.

it seems like just a friends with benefits situation... i dont know. at the same time i would be upset if he went and hooked up with other girls. what would you call something like this? and more importantly, do you think this is a bad situation to be in?...or just harmless??




  1. if your emotionally involved and hes not then get out while the gettings good!!! But if he has feelings for you then i would say its alright find out how he feels and talk about it. find out whats really going on and see from there.  

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