
What do you think about this situation with my brother and his girlfriend?

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Okay can you believe that my brother who is 13 has a girlfriend that is 14 and she told him that he could stay on night with her because her grandparents said it was fine (Her mom signed over her rights to them)...This girl acts like she is grown, sucking hickies on his neck, bossing him and she called the other day to my moms home and told him "tell your stupid mom to bring you down here"...Well all of this nonsense has been going on for too long so i called the girl and told her how it was and told her not to call back or my mom would take out a warrant on her because she aggravates my mom who is sick by calling all hours of the night, coming up to my moms without asking, lying non stop, just causing trouble.....Anyow what do you think about that girl's grandparents going to let her have a boy overnight?? (By the way my brother is not allowed whatsoever to do that)




  1. the girl is f***ing sick.. u should tell her off ..who the h**l is she to be bosing around if shes only 14..i would suggest for u to kick her a**

  2. Sounds like she came from a broken home if her mother signed over her rights.So now she is with her grandparents which I'm sure she bosses around and that why she bosses around your brother. Why is you mom letting your brother date? She needs to tell him they can't see each other anymore and get a restraining order. Next time she is at your house call the cops and they will make her sign a paper saying she can not come to your house anymore. If she does you can call the cops and they will take her to jail or in her case Juvi. In the mean time get the restraining order or before you know if your brother will get her pregnant and y'all with be stuck with her forever. I'm sure she has already slept with other boys if she is allowed to have guys over so who know what kind of STDs she has. Get with your parents and start setting some rules and restraining orders and yes it is your business. Good Luck.

  3. Well you might not know the whole story. If she is a constant liar then maybe her grandparents DIDN'T say he could stay all night...maybe she made that part up to get him to come over,or maybe there were not gonna be home that night and she thought it was the perfect opportunity.

    IF she is seriously causing ALL this trouble then I would tell your mom to get that girl's number blocked so she is unable to call the house all hours of the night,and also before that happens have your mom call her grandparents and talk baout this with them..maybe they don't know what is really going on with their granddaughter. After everything gets straightened out your mom should probably tell her grandparents that if she can not act appropriate then she is no longer welcome at your home.Then have the number blocked.

    As for the hickie thing....that is gross. I'm 21 and married and I wouldn't let my hubby put one on me even if he did want to(we both hate them!) Those can be hazardous to your health(from what I heard) also. Maybe your brother needs to also tell her that she is stressing everyone out at your home...I mean it is HIS girlfriend so maybe she would listen to reason if he said something to her.

    BE careful he might have one of those physco fatal attraction chicks on his hands.

  4. Have your mother file a restraining order against her

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