
What do you think about this solution to gas prices?

by  |  earlier

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If businesses would all go to 4 day work weeks. Either Mon-Thur or Tue-Fri. That would cut down on average I think about 50 driving days a year which would be a lot of gas.




  1. It would cut down on personal commuting expenses, but that would have no effect on the price of gas you DO use. The supply (cost of extraction, distribution, refining, and processing) along with demand sets the price.

    The reason that gas prices are a "problem" is on the supply end of the equation, not the demand end. Private consumers have no control over supply.

  2. no it woud not help the gas prices .driving less on weekends and after work would help the gas prices

  3. Buy a pedal bike.

  4. I don't see it as a solution, but some jobs could go to four days instead of five.  

    Driving to work four days instead of five, would consume less gas.

    Workplaces could cut back on heating/air conditioning for part of the long weekend.

    This plan, combined with other energy saving methods, and alternative forms of transportation  could lower demand.

    Would big oil lower prices?   I doubt it but those making one less trip to work each week could save.

  5. Actually it's an excellent idea.  I would expect businesses to do this to woo people to their company.

  6. growing up biz where i lived were open 5 days and some 1/2 day its almost 24 /7 can't go back...conservation will not work...will help some but we need more energy

  7. It might help, but businesses need a full 5 day work week. Besides, it wouldn't make gas any cheaper, we would still run out eventually. We need a new source of energy.

  8. Many are. Mon-Thurs. and Tues-Fri

  9. I like the idea.  Gas consumption would decrease by a little less than 20%.  I think it WILL cause gas prices to decrease, or at least stop rising.  And even if it doesn't, each individual would spend about 20% less on gas than they otherwise would working 5 days.

  10. yea just as long as the business can meet there needs

    your talking almost 2 months of lost work not  to mention if they work 3 shifts at 8 hrs a shift going from 40 to 32 workers may have trouble with the wage drop

    If the company dropped a shift that means more people out of jobs

    In a consumeerr business like a fast food joint/ gas station the people will just go to another place and the business will suffer

    i came across this town(i'm a otr driver) on a saturday at 1100 and there was a burger king, a kfc, a arbys, a perkins, and some others

    but for some reason the only think that was open was the mcdonalds

    nothing wrong with the utilties the businesses just didn't open until 2pm ish

    so the macdonalds had around 20 cars in the drive through and i have no idea how many people inside but it was packed i just took my break and got something to eat later that night

    not working on saturday untill 2pmish

    has cost those businesses who knows how much

    it is a good idea but the loss to the other guy cant be overlooked

    kinda makes the whole company community idea sound better though

    yea i said it it should not be much of a stretch for people living in gated areas


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