
What do you think about this stocks future (USU)?

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What do you think about this stocks future (USU)?




  1. Its technology is reported to be outdated.  Its a single digit stock for a reason.  Never buy single digit stocks.  Buy a ceramic dog as a pet!  It will move faster.

  2. Well if the nuclear industry stops using uranium fuel and goes to using only radioactive thorium fuel which is more abundant in nature I would say not very good, but because there is so much already invested in this industry it will only have slow growth after reprocessing much of the former Soviet Union's nuclear material for peaceful use for nuclear power reactors, as spent fuel from the world's nuclear reactors will not be as large a volume afterwards.

  3. usu  ?

    quarterly  revenue  down  26 %

    quarterly  earnings   down  88%

    and  debt  almost  40%   of  revenue  .   .    .

    uh ,   no  thanks


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