
What do you think about this theory about space?

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imagine the earth is completely water and you had a boat and you sailed around and you really dont know you sailed completely around it . could that be the same with space




  1. no, because we know exactly what is around us, we just dont know what is outside of our visual range.  we do kind of fly through space, but so does everything else along with us so its not like we are the only thing moving

  2. The problem with that theory is that the circumference of Earth is a known quantity, whereas space (the universe, our dimension, etc) is unknown.

    You may be right.  You may not.  Nobody knows at this point.

    On the bright side, according to accepted theory, you could (in a light speed  boat) visit the nearest galaxy and be home in a few years.

    Unfortunately, by that time the sun would be a dwarf star and the Earth would be vapor.

    It's that whole light-speed / slowing of time thing.

    Interesting concept.  If you win the Nobel Prize, don't forget the little people on Yahoo! Answers.

  3. Sailors used the stars as a map in a way so its the same concept here in a way.

  4. We would know, just by marking our position with the stars, space would be the same.

  5. Even with out any land marks, we can sail today by using gps or stellar maps to navigate and complete one round on earth.

    Universe with out any boundary marks will be difficult as we need lot of time,energy, food and human life time is not sufficient for the present day rockets to sail around the universe imagining hat it is closed universe!!!

  6. Actually yes! That is one of the theories of the shape of the universe... feels good to have an idea of yours turn out to be a good one doesn't it.

    There are two predominant theories pertaining to the size of the universe:

    Infinite -- if the universe is infinite you could take a spaceship away from Earth and just keep flying and flying finding new stars and galaxies until the universe ends.

    Finite, but unbounded -- in this theory the universe is a certain size containing a set amount of stars and galaxies but wraps around itself. If you were to take a spaceship in a straight line from Earth you would eventually end right back at Earth coming form the opposite direction. If you have ever played one of those old video games where if you fly of the top of the map you appear at the bottom its like that.

    That is a very interesting article pertaining to the subject discussing Finite vs Infinite

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