
What do you think about this website name?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I'm considering starting a new poker website and like this name but what do you guys think?




  1. Now that you just gave it away...someone is goign to start one up under that name before you get the chance to!!

    Secrets should always be kept SECRET!!!

  2. yeah. I like it......what about taking out the word online?...just a thought.

  3. it looks like that website is for sale.....

  4. The name doesn't flow but once you read it the first time it is cool. I thought it was going to be about pokermon when I first looked at the name.

  5. So many poker sites have collapsed lately (particuarly those affiliated to microgaming/prima )  just wonder how you are gonna make yours stand out from those allready out there - I personally have around 20 sites all ready downloaded andcant be bothered to load more unless really good reason .

    The name is  ok - but what else can you offer ?

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