
What do you think about this when people used in un expected way?

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when a 30-60 years old people give the title of "SIR"to about 19-23 years old in work place , college or in the restaruant. are they mocking or what do you think is it . please i just need your seggestion




  1. I believe its just respect i don't believe he or she meant it in any harm.

  2. They are merely showing courtesy and respect,

    because that is how people of that generation were raised.

  3. I use it as a show of respect.  If I receive good service at a restaurant or at a business I will say "Thank you Miss, Or Ma'am, or Sir.  I don't see anything wrong with that.  I'm 57 years old.

  4. No.  They are not mocking you.  

    Unless you were being bossy or something and they said it with some attitude.

  5. In my case, I do it because of the way I was taught to respect and properly address my elders. There's nothing wrong with it. Unless the person only does it to demean someone, I feel there's no need for concern.

  6. if they don't know your name would you prefer it if they yelled "oi you" at you?

  7. I was brought up by a father who grew up in a very traditionally southern family.  It was expected to say "sir" and "ma'am" when addressing people you really didn't know well or who were in an authority position or a position of respect (older).

    So to this day I often will say, "Yes sir." or something of that nature when I mean to be respectful.  It comes out without my noticing it as an expression of respect.  It also comes out as "Yes, I most definitely get what you mean" or "I'm with you on that 100%!".

    I don't use the term mockingly as I think that's stupid, it degrades the meaning of the usage.  

    When someone older is saying that to someone younger, it could be disrespectful or mocking but it could also be a recognition of respect for that person.  In a setting where there is more distance and less familiarity, (like to a waiter in a restaurant) I'd say its more as respect or out of force of habit.  

    Even if you are feel someone is mocking you in this way, just ignore them. Someone who uses an address of respect to be disrespectful is a jerk not worthy of thinking about.

    But I doubt that that's what's going on here. Someone older would have no problem telling a younger person where its at if they are pissed at them or didn't have respect for them.

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