
What do you think about those unidentified police-cars, would you stop for them? what if is a set up?

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What do you think about those unidentified police-cars, would you stop for them? what if is a set up?




  1. Drive to some place well-lit with lots of people before stopping if you're not sure it's a real police car.  I once asked a police officer this same question and this is the answer he gave me.  He said that if you explain to the officer why you drove away before stopping, they shouldn't give you a hard time.  At least, that's what he told me.

  2. I would not ... I would drive carefully, signalling every turn, to the closest hospital emergency room. Then I would stop where it is well lit and wait for the person to get out of his car and approach me. Hospitals are easier to find than police stations, and usually have good security.

    If I had a cellphone, I'd call 9-1-1- and tell them that someone who may be impersonating a police officer is trying to get me to pull over me and ask for help.

    Given that in this state, several years ago, there was a series of rapes by someone with a fake cop car, there's not a prosecutor in the state who would charge me with anything.

  3. Our department was one unidenitifed police car regularly used for patrol. We also have several unmarked crown vics that are generally detective cars or for special assignments. Except in rare cases, officers do not make stops on those.

    Our one marked patrol car is a Dodge charger that is used on our state highway and interstate to catch "aggressive drivers". On the one hand, it is a valuable tool (people are far less likely to be tail-gating, making unsafe turns, not using turn signals, ect in view of a marked police car).

    On the other, it is sometimes confusing for motorists, especially in a world where police lights and sirens are fairly easy to obtain.

    So in general, I am in favor of police departments patrolling in a fully marked cars. Not only is the visibility nice, but it also leaves little doubt that it is an actual police car.

    And yes, I would stop for an unmarked car. While there is a small chance it may be "a set up" it is far more likely to be a legit police officer trying to stop you. Failing to stop for a police car displaying a red light and using a siren is a crime in my state, so there is that also.

    Some people give the advice of driving to a well lit area. If you are doing that, I would advise you to immediately get on your cell phone and call the police department and inform the dispatch of what you are going to do. As I said before, most states do not have laws that allow you to drive to a populated area and if you drive for more a half mile or so before stopping, the officer is definitely going declare it as a chase.

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