
What do you think about to swap cheap Venezuelan oil for city planning advice?

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as for you ,Mr Livingstone or Mr Johnson are right and do you support which London mayor?

Thanks in advance .




  1. ken livingston is one stupid prick.  

  2. We should trade with Alaska, for salmon

  3. I think that it was a great idea.

    Johnson is being a fool to end the agreement.

  4. Hugo Chavez is an undemocratic war monger. The man has threatened britain! saying if argentina want to attack the falklands again, he'll send his navy to help! In addition he said "I'm watching you Mr Blair, your time is now" - how can we trade with a man who makes such direct threats?

    Although, if he did, it would give the UK and US the perfect excuse to invade (something they have wanted to do for a long time), depose him, and control their oil (That sounds familiar..)

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