
What do you think about today's society?

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What do you think about today's society?




  1. Rubbish

  2. Today's society is marvelous. I love it to death.

    First of all, we have much less discrimination. We do not walk down the street and run at the sign of the Welsh (because we all knew the Welsh had a reputation for being thieves, don't we?) and we don't make fun of Mr. McGinty for his alcohol habit when the poor soul hadn't drunk a draft since 1992. We don't do it anymore!

    And then, the more inconsequential things. Like g*y marriage. Modern society is wonderful about pushing that through! I love the idea that a man and a man can embrace themselves in holy matrimony. It's just like some sort of ancient practice that we're forgotten, and we've discovered it again. An ancient magic!

    But yes, I still love technology, too. Oh, the Internet! At my fingertips, I can get an entire collection of books on toxicology! That is marvelous.

    I am enamored of it. I really am. I like it here.

  3. Shame...

  4. It has gone to shizzit

  5. Too materialistic

    Too celebrity-worshipful

    Too self-centered

  6. The good stuff:

    equal rights

    access to technology, the internet, the ability to express your opinions and views.

    the way everything has become so accessible - information and rescources are erverywhere.

    The bad stuff:

    People have become more self centred, and lazy, due to having everything they need essentially given to them.

    Bad role models are everywhere - people become famous for no reason at all, then set an exaple for everyone by doing a hundred different drugs.

    Parts of the world are in excess of everything, while others have nothing.

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