
What do you think about unusal baby names...?

by Guest55775  |  earlier

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for instance... i head about parents who named their daughter : talulah dose the hula in hawii...

the child was taken from the parents and the use of the name made illegal... the child was 9 by this stage.

so if your child has a unual name WHY did you name them it What dose it mean to you and do THEY resent it???

would you name your child an unusal name???




  1. I heard about that poor child! hideous name - sick parents!  My children have normal names - Ben and Emily - nothing against different sort of names especially for girls but not way out names like what those freak show parents came up with!

  2. I think its plain mean. I mean what are those parents thinking! Sure, you can be a little unique, but not so crazy you cant even pronounce the name, or so silly it makes people laugh, or thing "what???" Parents should stop trying to make their kid "special" through their name, and actually realize that every kid is special.  

  3. My husband has an unusual name, in fact its a made-up name by his parents who thought it was an amusing addition to his surname. He hates it and is going to change it by deed poll soon

    Our children have very common but rich, historic names. Richard, John, Harry.

    Marc Bolan called his son Rolan Bolan, and David Bowie called his son Zowie Bowie. Stupid

  4. That's funny, I just mentioned that story on another thread!

      I think it's all very well going for something a little unusual - after all, you don't want your kid to share their name with several other classmates (speaking as a mother to Isabella, one of the most overdone names of the noughties, had I only realised it when I named her...), but some people take it too far. I had a friend at school called Ciaomhe, and was sick to death of attention being brought straight to her every time a teacher tried to pronounce it. It's actually pronounced like Keev-y, which I think is very pretty, but I imagine she was very frustrated repeating that all the time.

      I'm thinking about the name Ferne for my next (due in 7 weeks), it's pretty but not overdone. Anyone agree/disagree?

  5. I read that , and a woman had twins and called them fish and chips

  6. im called Bliss

    i got named that cos my mam says wen i was a baby i was always very happy.


  7. yeah i would i like unusal names, its like nobody else has my name like your different, some parents are now calling their baby girls  navaeh because it is heavan spelt backwards x

  8. Nowadays it has become a trend.

    It is outcome of parents fantac.

    Pesonally I would prefer a gentle but uncommon name

  9. some unsual baby names are nice but most of them are just werid. Theres a girl in my class called 'Galeaxy'. She a nice girl and is completly embaressed about her name........

  10. There is a huge difference between unusual and plain freaky. My name is unusual, as in different. That child's name was obviously suggested by someone who is mentally unsound.  

  11. I read somewhere that Demi Moore and Bruce Willis' daughter Rumer, resented them for giving her that name.  She has siblings  named Talulah and Scout.....which she said were ok names but she hates hers.

    Personally I would never give a child a bizarre name as childhood and school days are difficult enough without adding to it with a bizarre name.  Even the spelling of a name can cause problems.....when me n the hubby had our last daughter we name her "Stephanie" (with that spelling) but we considered the spelling "Stefanny".....but for obvious reasons we chose the more traditional spelling.

    We told Steph recently (she's 18 now) what we had considered doing with the spelling of her name....she said she would have hated us if we had spelt it like that. lol.

  12. Personally I like names from the Bible - you can go anywhere when your name is Luke or Ruth or Mary or Matthew. Not too sure about Zebedee of course. I've always loved the name Corinne for a girl - I hoped to marry one but none have every come along.

  13. Yes.

    I would name my child an unusual name, because I don't see anything wrong with it unless it is very silly, like 'Tallula Does the Hula From Hawaii'.  

  14. i like unusual names but nothing awful that they would get made fun of - i like uncommon names that people know but it isn't used that often

  15. I like some unusual names, such as Harper, Willow and Noelle, but Talulah does the Hula in Hawaii is taking it to extremes.

    Parents who give their innocent children names like that are obviously not all there.

  16. I like uncommon names like harley, kaylen, Cyrus, keilan.

    but I dont like stupid names like the 1 u said or like apple or 'fish and chips'

  17. I think its a shame on the children and i think they have every right to want to change it.

    Id name my child something unusual, but not somethng ridiculous

  18. They were from New Zealand the Tallulah family were and they had 6 children all with 'micky taking' names.

    I think unusual names are fine, but not ones that make a sentence or have a ridiculous meaning.

    I personally would name myself an unusual name but one that is actually a name - not just a word or a made-up name.  By unusual name I'd mean one that is not commonly used and maybe one of a different origin i.e. Arabic.

  19. My friend is called Petal and she resents her mother for it. Especially as she's in foster care and her mother left her with a name like Petal she gets teased at school.

  20. I heard about that too. I know a little girl called Volvo too. She is really cute though; and it actually suits her. Her middle name is Arianna so she can always use that.

    My girls are Milana, Scarlett & Avalon. They are all unsual, but all are actual names. I wanted cute names that had nice middle names and seemed to connect without a visable reason why. I think they do. :)

    So far; my girls love their names.

    I would never go any more unsual, my sister-in-law heard of two girls called nevaeh and legna. [Heaven & Angel backwards] I think it's terrible.

  21. Sometimes a unique name makes a kid feel too different but sometimes it makes a kid feel special. Mostly kids like ordinary names and have to grow into an unusual name.

  22. I love old fashioned names. But if I named my kid something out there like Taliquisha, I'd at least give her the decency of a normal nickname.

    It's disgusting when people name their children "joke" names. All I can think of is that those parents are very, very self-centered.

  23. haha i think that name is a bit extreme, i have nothing against them unless they use actual names not words such as those hawains did

  24. parents need to learn the difference between "unique" and "bizarre".... thers nothing wrong with wanting a unique name, but that doesnt mean it has to be stupid and made up. Kids names might be cute when they are kids but they do gro up and they need to have names that wont sound dumb when they get older.

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