
What do you think about viet nam ,? frankly?

by Guest62533  |  earlier

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i'm a vietnamese ,so a want to know what people think about my nation

thank a lot




  1. well, with all due respect and for all ive seen im under the impression Vietnam is a third world h**l hole i wouldnt set my foot on ever, not even if Vietnam turns out to be "dryland" in a waterworld future.

  2. do an advanced search on vietnam and you will see postings of similar questions asked before.  

  3. I live in the U.S. and most people have only heard of Vietnam from the Vietnam war and they their thought and feelings either through people they know or the propaganda they were fed by the media at the time and the movies they have viewed since then.

    My uncle was drafted against his will to serve in Vietnam and saw his buddies next to him killed and many died in his arms, but he always said the Vietnam people that lived their were victims of their own dictorial government and very noble, giving and hard-working people that lived in fear of their life from their own government.  

    Of the G.I.'s that were lucky enough to survive being drafted against their will to serve their country in a war they did not believe in, they returned home to be insulted and spit on by people calling them "baby killers" thanks to "Hanoi" Jane Fonda and her propaganda, which is why most people now have a very negative opinion of Vietnam.

  4. I loved it there. Ho Chi Minh City is just so vibrant and full of life. Dalat lived up to it's billing as the Paris of the Orient, and Nha Trang was great fun and the scuba diving was good. The Mekong Delta was stunning, and the tunnels at Cu Chi were very interesting and I had a few shots with an AK47.

    Next time I come I am going to spend some time in the north.

  5. Try another category. This one is for movies.

  6. To tell you the truth, Vietnam is not a very popular subject around here because of the Vietnam War. The thing is that regardless of the circumstances, many Americans died in that unwanted war, so there is a lot or resentment toward Vietnam and it’s people. I frankly have not taken any interest in your country although I am not American, but I think I should give it a chance because after all, you can always learn from everything, and I am sure there are a lot of interesting things about your country that is being overshadowed by that War.

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