
What do you think about war between russa and gorgia?

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What do you think about war between russa and gorgia?




  1. I think that it is sad that the country that did the most to end Nazism and suffered the most from it, Russia, is now n**i itself and repeating Hitler's actions.  

  2. wait as in the state georigia?????

  3. I think we need another President like Reagan with a backbone to put them in their place again

  4. Its the beginning of the end.

  5. russa - big bully

    gorgia - stupid bully

  6. I think that the USA has too much on its plate as it is .We are spread too thin as it is and Russia has been waiting for the right time . Our biggest mistake will be to put our noses into it and give Russia the excuse that they have been waiting for and attack while we are at our weakest.In my opinion when we invade and con-cure what we invade and con-cure should add another star on our flag this would keep us from wasting valuable resources and allowing these countries to just f up again. Wipe them out and take them over!  

  7. Another conflict where the US will end up 'with egg on its face' – yet again.

  8. I think.. that I'm beginning to like this new french leader, Sarkozy.  

  9. I think Russia is a bunch of Commies, and are out to take over the world. I think Russia needs to back the F off.

  10. I think it's btwn. Russia and Georgia.

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