
What do you think about wars ? Are we still threatened by wars ?

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these days we see war in georgia , in irak , many others conflicts in the world . and we ask ourselves how this can happen nowadays when we say that we're so smart and evolved .

But what about a bigger conflict , i know that china represents a threat , also russia , do you think is possible that in future to be a war





  1. Read some history - mankind is obsessed with a life of ease, arrogance, power and control over others. This encourages men to make war against others.

    So as long as men and women have to work and struggle and suffer, there will always be the urge to lash out, even to make war.

  2. when it comes to equality we've achieved it and don't even know it,

    every man woman and yes even child has there own super power

    to deal with, no i'm not talking about america or russia, i meant the

    other super power . . .

    " The Ego " . . .

  3. No, you've got to turn the TV off and stop listening to mocked up Wag the Dog, US media propaganda. If all these countries you mentioned were supposed to be world threats, they would be world news. Not just US media news to make American people paranoid.

    Guess what there is no mention of these fictional wars outside the US in any newspaper or on television news media. So there is not  any wars or threats etc against the US. So don't ever worry we all can still sleep easy at night and put up with our own personal problems and our daily dramas.

    The Russian/Georgia and China/Tibet things you hear aren't wars they are just conflicts which spur up now and then and have been for ages.

  4. Every "first world" country represents a threat. Germany, France, the UK... and the US. Remember, that WE have brought war to a number of countries in the last several years.

    A wider conflict is always a possibility as long as large governments continue to assert their interests over those of the local people.

  5. Yes, there will be wars in the future.  Why would the future be any different than the past?

    And we aren't that smart or that evolved.  The day we truly learn from past mistakes and stop repeating them, that's when we can consider ourselves evolved.

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