
What do you think about watching pornography?

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What do you think about watching pornography? Is it natural and innocent or it is not good for a society? How you look at it?




  1. It is an illusion.  It reduces other people to objects to satisfy my desire.  It promotes selfishness because the focus is on what I want.  It reduces the act of love to animal passion.  

    s*x like all powerful drives when not harnessed can lead to wreck and ruin.

  2. I think it is disgusting and wrong, as do i think masturbation is. i think it is just wrong and shallow to watch two people having s*x, especially if you are masturbating to it. if you can not actually get some, then don't do it for your self, and especially don't watch two [or more] people do it.

  3. There's nothing wrong with it, as long as involves consenting adults.  It's not going to cause the downfall of society--p**n has always been around in one form or another, and suppressing it does not make it go away.  Besides, there's nothing wrong with a little fantasizing.  That said, if it starts to control your life, there's a problem--just like any other addiction.  And it's a poor substitute for the real thing.

  4. p**n is a pretty vague and wide encompassing term.

    Is a picture of a naked lady in the men's room going to cause the fall of society- no, not even close.

    Is some young women getting gangbanged by midgets then pooped on while she licks the floor the kind of thing that should send up some serious red flags concerning those that produced, star, and pay to watch it? Definitely.

  5. i think most people are turned on by s*x.  my problem comes with the lack of regulation, the young ages, the degrading behaviors and the lack of female o****m.

    i like to watch p**n sometimes, or rather i would like to watch p**n, but as a female, most p**n out there is obviously not for me.  the females are used as a sexual props, not as a sexual partner.  and 70's p**n is far softer than todays.  i would rather watch older p**n simply bc it's not as violent or degrading, and women don't look like some weird barbie doll with huge b***s, shaved prepubescent look.  now, d**n, you turn on anything and can expect to see barely legal females gagged, slapped, called names (why can't she just be a woman who likes s*x, why is it always a s**t or a w***e), penetrated in a variety of positions, expected to kneel and receive s***n - on her face-... and this is true,   after watching some p**n, it's hard for me not to gag at the very thought of s***n, i am totally disgusted.  a** to mouth, is not only popular, but dangerous to the receiver adn shows an appalling lack of regulation and safety for s*x workers. as well as being degrading. and when's the last time you saw both people have orgasms - ummm, never, almost never.  it is just an appalling show of poking.  if it were more balanced, i would love it.  as a couple we try to find good p**n and it is really hard.  we've thought about just editing endings, but once i know how the woman has been treated, i'm just totally turned off.  and that's the other side of that too, watching p**n and it being so disrespectful, borderline violent, (and i don't mean rough, active fun s*x) disgusting, d**n, get some lubricant, not spit.  gah. so, torn, would love to find great p**n with two people having fun and both having orgasms, but it seems like degradation is the theme of most i've seen. and that concerns me simply bc i wonder how many teens get their s*x ed from p**n.  and idk, most of what i have seen,  i just hope young men don't watch p**n and think that's how to be a good lover. again, where is the female o****m? why don't both people have orgasms? it's just so male centered, and idk, that money shot, of sperm on the face, not for me.  such a gross finish.

    plus i think condoms should be required for the protection of the workers.  age limit should be raised, you shouldn't be able to sell yourself to a p**n production and not buy a beer after, so it should be 21 and up at least.  

    it also disturbs me to find out so many women who participate in p**n were abused as children/younger adults, have drug and alcohol problems and are just reliving a painful cycle. if we could do it safely and without exploiting anyone, it would be great.  as it is, there are a lot of issues i am not comfortable with.

  6. What is pornography to begin with? What is filth to some might be natural to others.

  7. s*x is better than violence.  

    If an act is legal between two consenting adults, then why is it wrong to videotape it and show it to other consenting adults?

    The real danger is to relationships.  Some people might start thinking that s*x should always look like it does in pornos.  It doesn't and probably shouldn't... at least not most of time!

  8. I like it when I'm in a kinky mood

  9. At first, its like. WoW!! And u get high and stuffs.

    Its NOTnotNOT good for society.

    It will increase number of s*x offenders becoz watching pornography is very very addictive (not really) and will make lust goes UP!!

  10. Everyone is so hung up about s*x... as long as you don't hurt anyone have a ball.

  11. I think that it's a reflection of the viewer.

    People are going to seek out things that appeal to them, just like any other entertainment.

    Obviously, there generally are other things involved rather than just viewing, but those things are natural.

    I think the quality of most pornography is pretty poor in that it often doesn't appeal to the greater stimulatory organs (aka the brain) in terms of engaging higher functions. Most of the pornography out there seems to focus on basic animal instinct.

    That said, I think it's generally pretty innocent. (p**n as well as instinct.) When you take away the hardcore stuff, especially. Soft p**n is, I think, more innocent and less jaded. Better and more healthy for a society because it's sweeter and generally more engaged in the beauty of romance than the mechanics of s*x, but that's personal opinion.

    p**n in general is certainly better and more innocent than casual s*x, and especially in an age where condoms are used in p**n I think it's more of a good than a harm. A lot of people are inclined to promiscuity and I think that p**n abates that phenomenon rather than encourages it. p**n in this age is a form of s*x education, and responsible p**n is certainly more responsible. Unprotected s*x is naive, if hot, but instinct will tend to lead us into feeling that and erotic film won't change it either way.

    Kink p**n may fall into the same category. I think it's natural human voyeurism to be curious about s*x in various forms. Also, while someone leaning towards or away from may be further influenced by these vids, it's just an exploration of self.

    p**n and violence or exploitation are a separate matter. There's a debate between how much seeing an experience encourages it in a person (depending on the person) or relieves the urge to seek it. Exploitation p**n is a detriment to the p**n world in that s*x/p**n is best when both parties are equal, willing, equal and un-coerced partners, and that's the model that should be promoted.

    Happy viewing,


  12. its fun to an extent...

    but just like a drug... or any other really good stimulation

    it can like.. control you

  13. its natural. i dont mind it. when im with a guy he goes all nuts because I actuallylet him watch p**n and keep p**n magazines in the house. girls arent as innocent as people think they are

  14. I don't see the point.  It gets you all excited, but leaves you no outlet.

  15. You are what you eat.  By this I mean you cannot view p**n without it having a detrimental effect on you.

    A good topic to address, by the way, as I believe p**n has been given a free ride too long by the media and society in general who have protected it under "freedom of speech", consensual acts etc.

  16. Each to there own. Its a natural thing i think!

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