
What do you think about what happened on September 11th?

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A friend and i got into a debate about what really happened. One of us thinks that it was a conspiresy(spelling?) of the government. And the other believes that it was terrorist. Theres alot of stuff that is unanswered about what happened that day. But based on what you already know. What do you think happened?




  1. Three aircraft which were hijacked and piloted by Hirabah (terrorists) ran those aircraft into two office towers in lower Manhattan and the Pentagon Building in Arlington Virginia. A fourth plane was taken over by the passengers from the hijackers and crashed near Shanksville Pennsyvania in Somerset County.

    I lost two people I knew who were on the plane which crashed into the Pentagon building. Those around you who talk up these conspiracy theories are full of beans!

  2. Anyone who believes that the events of September 11, 2001 were some sort of conspiracy by the US government is a nutcase, pure and simple.

    There is nothing about those events that is "unanswered".  Four planes were captured by 19 Muslim extremists mostly from Saudi Arabia using box cutters.  Two of these planes were flown into Towers 1 & 2 of the World Trade Center, one was flown into the Pentagon and one was flown into the ground in Pennsylvania.  Their motivation was hatred for the West and all it represents.

    What more to this is there?

  3. Terrorists, plain and simple.

    I mean come on. Conspiracists argue about the look on Bush's face when he heard the news in that school! How ridiculous is that? If I was around a bunch of children, I wouldn't try to look scared.

  4. The towel heads came here & blew us up.  Plain & simple. Terrorists!!!!!!!!

  5. I don't think there was a conspiracy to allow terrorists to fly airplanes into buildings.    

    However, I do think that leaders on occasion DO allow an enemy to strike in order to raise the anger level among their citizens and troops - that has been done on countless occasions down through history.    

    The Bush administration's lack of action upon the warnings they received is very suspect, IMO.    There is evidence that Bush wanted an excuse to go back into Iraq.   Whether or not this was his (or more likely his puppeteer's) way of attempting to get it, is something we may never know.

    Did they realize the strike would be as devastating as it was?  Probably not.   At least I would HOPE not.

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