
What do you think about what happened with the little girl at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?

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They had 7 year old Lin Miaoke lip-synching to a tape recorded by Yang Peiyi... They wouldn't have Yang singing because she had "buck teeth"....





  1. didn't milli vanilli do the same thing,  big deal,  

  2. Its kinda harsh, BUT thats showbiz for you. Thats why there are a lot of talentless singers and actors just because there good looking.

  3. I think thats like really unfair. SOme dude said in an interview that it was fair for both yang peiyi and lin miaoke, cuz a beautiful voice and face were combined, but its not fair for yang peiyi. i mean lin miaoke is taking credit for yang's talent. NOT FAIR

  4. i think its sad. Shes a child for god sake. To know that people think she isnt good enough that would hurt.

  5. I don't understand I've never seen a Chinese person with buck teeth.

  6. I think whoever made that decision is an idiot and an awful person. All little children are cute and beautiful no matter what. How could they tell that little girl that she wasn't pretty enough. It is very hard to overcome a blow to your self-esteem at that age. I think they should apologize to the two girls and to the viewers.  


    I mean really, she's only a little child, why hurt her at that age? Her self-esteem will be really low now. Besides, she's really cute even though they mention her as "buck-teeth/chubby face". She is so cute and has a great talent of singing.

    It's really sad that people go to lengths just so they're image can be perfect. After all, no one is perfect.

    The other girl is obviously very cute but she will have a bad image once she gets older because she lip-synced.

    Both of the girls won't be proud of what they did this year once they get older because people will tease them, which is really sad.

    Gosh, it shows how far showbiz goes just to get the PERFECT image :[

  8. they tried to do perfect olympics, but they sucked more than all the others.

    they are cruel and im ashamed they r hosts this year.the main guy who organized that is not sorry about the little girl at all.he said that he had to have everithing perfect.but olympics suck a.s.s.. and the fireworks were tape recorded from the day they practiced it.we didnt watch the spectacular on the opening evening.whe watched allready done recorder sh.i.t.

    di u know that

  9. I think whoever made that decision deserves for God to throw him down to the pits of h**l. I looked up a picture of Yang Peiyi, and she is a sweet, beautiful-looking little girl. Lin Miaoke looked nice, but personally I don't think she was nearly as cute. It sickens me that today's world has become so shallow to do something like that to a seven year old, or anyone else for that matter, and if I could go to China and bash the guy's head in, I would do so.

  10. I think that is sooo mean and destroying to a little girl's confidence!!

    sure, Lin Miaoke is cute..but Yang Peryi is still decent-looking..and Lin Miaoke is NOT that cute!  

  11. I think it's terrible that a child has to be perceived as "pretty" to be entertaining. What message does this send to today's youth?

  12. Am I the only one who sees this as acceptable.

    All that was done by the Chinese was an attempt to try and make this Olympics the best one yet, which is what every country strives to do.

    It is done by everyone all the time. People are always trying to cover up their faults, putting make up on, doing their hair. This is the exact same thing except performed by a nation, instead of an individual, to better themselves on the world stage....which makes perfect sense.

    Sure you say that it is cruel to exclude a child because of her looks (which I would agree with most times) However, in the OLYMPICS when all the world is watching wouldn't you want to try and be the best.

    Plus, Lin Miaoke is not trying to take credit for the song, I dont think the she ever said the she was the one singing the song. The Chinese picked her solely because she was the perfect picture of innocence and beauty and the song sung by Yang Peiyi was the perfect sound of innocence and beauty.


  13. this makes me so mad! so much for trying to come out as a new nation and put all their c**p behind them! ugh. that little girl is cute sure, but i saw what the other little girl looked like, she was really cute! her teeth werent AWFUL, they were a little bit crooked, but in a really adorable way. she had a little girl kinda "baby-face" so the teeth made her more adorable! that other girl just looked like every other cute kid on tv. Yang was much cuter because she was different than the other usual looks for tv. the adorable girl is being so sweet about it to, shes not saying anything mean about the officials for not showing  her. sweet little thing.

  14. I think it's really unfair for Yang Peiyi. It's her voice and she should be able to show her face no matter what. Just because they think she's bucktooth/chubby, doesn't mean they can let another girl take Peiyi's credit. Sure they think Lin Miaoke is a pretty-face but that doesn't give them any right!!!

  15. What they did was wrong - to the person that said that the Milli Vanilli situation was the same thing, no it's NOT the same thing, Milli Vanilli were adults when they lip synched their way to fame and in the Olympic issue, we're talking about little girls who may not understand why this is wrong - Yes, it is wrong, why do you think it's causing such a great controversy??  And just how is little Yang Peiyi going to feel about herself when she grows up and is old enough to understand why she wasn't the one up there singing in front of millions.  I don't think she's going to feel very good about herself and all becuz whoever decided to do this wanted the 'perfect' image up there to represent China - well wakeup people NOBODY'S 'perfect'

  16. I think  that was really wrong.That shows just unfair the world really is. That really shows how people think the world should be. On TV and everywhere you see people that are supposedly perfect, when no one in this world is perfect. There are many was for people to look there many sizes and shapes. That just so ignorant for people to believe that everyone on TV or in the media should be beautiful. Every ones beautiful in there own way. Lin Miaoke is  beautiful in her looks and Yang Peiyi is beautiful by her voice. Is really sucks how the world we live in is based on looks and not talent or personality.  and also  Yang Peiyi looks like the average girl,shes not perfect she looks like what most kids really look like , not all kids have perfect teeth and a perfect face and those people that put Lin Miaoke in the show know that. its a shame that they think that perfect looks equal beauty

  17. I seen what Yang Peiyi looked like, but I still think she's just as pretty like Lin Miaoke. I guess our view of beauty really IS distorted. She deserves to be on stage with a beautiful voice like that.

    such a shame.

  18. That is their veiw of only having perfect people on TV

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