
What do you think about when you are running?

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I always end up singing something (in my head, not actually singing) lol

or just thinking about whatever.

but when I am in a race I really can't keep my mind off things related to the race, like how nervous I am, or the pace I'm going, my form, the pressure, etc..

Soo yeah, what do you think about when you run?




  1. I'm like you, a song will come up in my head and so I start singing it or if that doesn't happen then I basically think about my life. But if it's a race I think about how fast everyone around me is going, pushing my self to go faster and then finally everybody that's watching  but I try not to think about them other wise i get nervous lol.

    but mainly when I'm angry or I just want to get out of the house I go for a run, I love it!!

  2. When Im just on a jog I think about everything, but when I am in the race I think about going faster a little bit more to succeed. I think about how good I am. I think about what do I need to do to catch that girl that is right in front of me.

  3. I just think about the reward for placing and finishing.  If it a relay, i think about how much it means to them to get a metal.

  4. I listen to music as I run. I guess most of the time, my mind wanders into thinking and imagining the singer or the song and the people playing the instruments. Then I also think about my day at work, things that were funny, that worried me, or pissed me off. I have a tendency to speed up a little when I remember something that pissed me off. lol   I also pay attention to my body cues and try to figure out which route I am going to take for the run. There are a few options usually and sometimes I go further than I had planned in the beginning because I convince myself that I can go that extra mile. I also think about that woman walking with her child, and hope she keeps an eye on her so that she doesn't jet in front of me as I pass.

  5. Well, I think about the pace that I have to run in and basically, I say to myself " I can do this... keep going..." hehe. try not to think too much as you run 'though

  6. During practice, my mind wonders SO much. I think about what happened at school that day or how blue the sky is or what I'm going to eat for dinner.

    During a meet, my mind is constantly racing. (no pun intended) I'm thinking about why I'm even running or how my breathing is or where all the competitors are at or why my coach continues to run up and down the field/bleachers or what if I "started my kick" right now with a mile left.

  7. cant think

  8. Lot's of stuff. Nothing that'll stress me out or anything but mostly just my views on life and I how feel in general.

    Whatever you do don't think about the Jeopardy theme. Your breathing will go way off and there is no stopping it. Sounds crazy but it's true.

  9. I start out thinking about the route that I am about to run, then I psych myself out so I quickly change the subject, start some math problems, riddles, reflect on past races, how I can improve, when I start to feel tired I start yelling in my head to keep going, think about rewarding myself by shopping (nice Lululemon outfit, or shoes, or whatever) Think about starbucks moch latte at the end of the race, finishers medal, family, repeat some of my favorite mantras, sing songs, think about funny episodes of Steinfield....

    This is my marathon thinking.

  10. I usually listen my ipod while running and concentrate on the lyrics. It helps me calm down my breathing to a good pace and if I get cramps It takes my mind off of them.

  11. I run w/ an Ipod so that covers a bad song being stuck in my head b/c it's impossible.  Basically, at that point, I think of everything b/c I run long distances.

  12. When I'm on a long run in practice, I just 'space out' or I unconsciously sing in my head.

    When I'm racing, I'm ridiculously nervous before the race.  When the gun goes off, I kind of just space out and do whatever my body will let me.  And I also decide who to run with for most of the race.  

    In cross country races, I sang in my head. Ahah.

  13. Nervous at first, when I start though...I just think stuff like-****, and d**n..Or-I'm hecka tired man....Or I try to sing a song in my head but I always loose it.

  14. when i am training, I think about all sorts of stuff.  If it is a long run, I may start out with  work stuff and wander from there as I wind down.  During the race, I think about my race strategy and how I am feeling/

  15. (cross country) i don't think, once you run for a while, you might start to feel numb. sometimes, this is a good thing, because you will not feel tired or painful. because you can't listen to your ipod during a race, just keeping looking at the person in front of you. if you can beat them, beat them. if you can't just try to stay with the same person the entire race, and keep telling yourself that you can beat that person. what i think about is the entire course. i run the entire course over and over in my head, while focusing on the person in front of me. that way, you can get your brain off of the pain in your feet, or the fatigue in your legs. it really helps me, and it might help you too!

    (track) i run 800, so i think about trying to stay with the pack during the first 400. then, on the next 400, i make my first move and position myself a little further up. then, at the 150 meter mark, i start my kick to the finish. this run is short, so i don't really think about anything except to just finish the race strong. the first 400 is ok, because there is no pain rly; it's the second 400 that kills. so, you need to get your mind off of the fatigue and just focus on finishing the race. with the 1600m, i run with the same guy throughout the race. the guy i run with is usually a few seconds faster than i am. this is so that i can run faster without having to put as much pressure on my mind as to run faster

    hope i helped :]

  16. I think about whos waiting for me at the finish line. Sometimes wishing someone was there or thinking of who is there. Or im singing along to my ipod in my head haha

  17. "not giving up" i try to think of this in my 3200m run in track

    but what actually ends up happening is i overthink and calculate my lap times in my head... its sort of a bad habbit

  18. Racing- I tihnk about hwo I need to pass and my pass.. Never think about your time, while this seems crazy sometimes you freak out when your slow and it doesnt help, if you focuz on pace youll know if you slowed down..

    practice- i think pretty much anything.

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