
What do you think about when you go on long runs?

by  |  earlier

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I'm wondering because I am always bored when I run 3 miles.




  1. I try not to think of anything too complex, because than I get distracted and i'll slow down or s***w up my mechanics, but usually singing songs in my head help. Or just listening to my i-pod. but ya. hope this answered your question well enough! Peace

  2. I try to concentrate on a specific thing while i run. Sometimes I stare at the heels of the person in front of me and try to keep pace with them. but most of the time I try to sing songs in my head that will keep me motivated

  3. long runs are fun.

    it's a good thing to do anyways.

    try listening to music when you run.

    or run to a place where you want to go.

    or just think about something that's bothering you.

  4. Think about finishing

  5. Sometimes I think about things... sometimes I listen to music in my head, and sometimes I pay attention to whats going on around me - if your in a  nature environment running can be a really nice experience.

  6. i tend to zone out alot.

    i think about whats going on in my life.

    its a nice time to sort things out.

    i like to enjoy the scenery.

    if you are getting bored when you run think about things that have been bothering or things that make you happy. theres many things you can think about just try different things!

    good luck running =)

    hope it helps a bit!

  7. i dont think about anything. Its kina better that way cause you are more tuned in to your run and you will do better.

  8. in a race i try to stay focused and stick to the game plan but at the same time not get too far into 'the zone' because i think that screws me up. On a run in practice i talk to who ever im running with or if im out of breath ill think about keeping up lol. If im by myself ill think about life, my music, the road, how im running, or nothing at all.

  9. I think about the marathon that I am training for...visuallizing a strong faster finish than previous marathons.  I think about Boston 2009...yep, I'm going...

    Some days, I don't even remember what I am thinking about.  Other days, I think of how long this run is and try to occupy my mind with multiplications/math problems, or I would look up on a website and read up on some riddles, and then when I go for a run, I try to solve them...times passes amazingly fast when doing this.

    Sometimes I plan my day(s) ahead.  What I'm going to wear for the BBQ party, what to make for dinner, next project, etc.

    Run happy and train smart:)

  10. Sometimes I zone out and think about nothing.

    Sometimes I just enjoy the scenery around me.

    Sometimes, I change up my run and do hills or speedwork... or increase my mileage. That provides a challenge and I am focused on that.

    Sometimes I run on a treadmill with a television in front of me.

    Sometimes, I just think about the good or bad that happened in my day and sort it all out.

    Sometimes I chat with fellow runners.

    Sometimes I do math in my head. For example... "I'm now a quarter through my run. Now, 1/3... etc"

    Some people listen to music.

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