
What do you think about while your running?

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do you think about life or do u just like run or what?




  1. Hello,

    I think about anything i can to get my mind of how long I've been running for, because if you concentrate on that minutes fly like hours!

  2. during practice and training-i think about anything that pops into my head. problems, guys, and music mostly. but on the track(race time) i blank out completely. no thoughts at all. except sometimes if some one on the sidelines is cheering for the girl behind me, ill make a mental pact to not let her pass me

  3. I think about how fast my heart is pounding, and when it is going to be over.

  4. When I'm running on my own, just because I want to, I think about friends, family, and personal goals in my life.  When I'm running in competition, I usually think of songs, to motivate myself and provide a rhythm.

  5. i think about what i am going to do after i run. or i jut plan my whole day from there

  6. I try to focus on my stride and breathing. I realized that when my mind goes elsewhere, such as thinking about other things that don't relate to my race, I tend to slow down and I have a very bad stride.  

    While training, I think about absolutely everything, from what I am going to do later in the day or what things I need to do once I am done with my run.  Towards the end, I try to access my workout, such as if I had pushed myself hard enough/too hard, and how I feel overall.

  7. It depends. If I'm in a race I'm thinking about passing the person in front of me. If I'm just jogging for, say, a warm-up, I think about my technique and the people around me. Most of the time when I run, I think about running.

  8. I think about my surroundings. When I go for a jog I like to run with someone and talk as much as I can while huffing and puffing for air.

  9. I think about the finish line

  10. I talk to my friends around me that dries your mouth out so you could think about something that happened earlier that day or maybe even school and that big test coming up

  11. i always try to run a different route so i can have something new to look at

    i also listen to music so sometimes i just try to learn lyrics to songs

  12. quoting my head from spring workouts for football-

    "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, I cant do it!,  hey a quarter, Omg only 10 more laps, theres that quarter again,  can i walk? hes walking., never mind hes doing pushups now."

    this is pretty much what i think about while runnin.

  13. you will never see my fat a$$ running, but do i swim. when i swim i think about how much im getting burnt on my back, and how my goggle tan will look. i start to think about what i am going to do after and should i take a shower, or was the swim ok. however, this has been happening lately, i swim for awhile and then i forget that i have arms, lol, and i just swim knowing that i am pulling, but forget the connection between my shoulders and arms.

  14. How soon to point B.

  15. I think about life, and the people around me, and people I like/love.. friends, everything:]

  16. When im running at meets i tink about makign it to the finish line as fastest as possible and how proud ill be for making it, and when im just running to run i think about life and family and my boyfreind and friends and everythign l0l its an awsome way to clear your head

  17. I usually start singing a song in my head over and over again. I also try to keep my mind off of running so that I will have a good time. :)

  18. I think about my running form, making sure I am not slouching, back straight, looking straight ahead and shoulders relaxed, think about my strides and my running economy (effeciency).  I remind myself to sip on my drink (long runs - over 10K), think about what I am going to do for the rest of the day, future running goals, when I start to get tired, I repeat to myself "I am fit, I am strong" till I snap out of it.  If its a really long run, (20K+) I challenge myself with math question or figure out a riddle...sing songs....sometimes I just think about nothing and enjoy the scenery around me.

  19. I think about if I'm going to die while running, on that page somewhere.

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