
What do you think actually happened to Madeline McCan?

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What do you think actually happened to Madeline McCan?




  1. i think that her parents 'accidental killed her'...i think that they were worried that she and the twins had woken up the night before and decided to give them all a sedative of some form to ensure that they would sleep whilst they were out and i think that poor Madeline maybe had an reaction to it and died and they covered it all up as best that they possibly could and probably dumped her body in the sea so that it would never ever be found...i apologise to the Macanns if this is not true and they are genuinely innocent though

  2. I couldn't begin to answer that because i like everyone else has no idea.

  3. I don't honestly know, but I've always had a sneaky feeling that no-one in the McCann party checked Madeleine and the twins at all.  The child woke up, door was unlocked, out she went and was snatched by an opportunist nonce.  The McCanns et. al. have concocted this running about between the restaurant and the apartment to cover the fact that they did not check at all - made up the tale because their ego's could not  face the disgrace.  I fear she was dead before she was missed.

  4. I don't even want to think of want has happened to her, but i do know that, her mum and dad should be a shamed of themselves.

    How selfish of them.

  5. i think her parents killed her :/

    by "accident" by giving her too much sedation to put her to sleep.

    but even if that wasnt the case.. her parents should be punished for neglect - leaving their three year old and their younger babies! >:(

    its so wrong

  6. There is only one person who may have killed her knows if Maddie is dead and that's the person who killed her. Nearly every answer contains the word "think".This has been the problem with this case from the beginning. Instead of looking at the few real facts people make up their own theories which only confuse others minds.Maddie is missing, whether she is dead or alive is pure speculation.

  7. I think paedophiles kidnapped her.

  8. Murdered by one or both parents !

  9. Id love to think that a childless couple took her and are bringing her up in a loving environment, but honestly, i think she was taken by a peadophile and i dont imagine that she is still alive.

  10. I agree with Mummy Fi and Deborah S.

  11. she dead

  12. We will never know!!

    The McCann's are unique in being the only parents of a missing child to refuse to answer police questions or take part in a police reconstruction.  They attacked the police almost from the outset.  Their behaviour is what has shut down the investigation and thus the hunt For Madeleine.

    Whilst guilty people claim the right to silence innocent people never stop trying to talk to the police and in law an inference can be drawn about a persons motives in remaining silent!!!

    They keep the focus of the press and media firmly on themselves and away from Madeleine.  Anyone heard a single mention of the hunt for her in months now?

    They insist the hunt be for a live child.  Surely if she is dead she deserves to be found and laid to rest properly!

    Any decent human being remotely concerned around Madeleine or any other missing child will do everything they can to help the police so why not Madeleine's parents?!!!!

    The McCanns seem to be doing everything in their power to block the investigation and thus we will probably never know!!

  13. kidnapped 'to order' either by couple who didn't want to go through adoption procedures or a paedophile ring - she could be anywhere now. pity the portugese police were not quicker to get to the scene and get vital evidence.

  14. I think her parents killed her accidentally and hid the body. I dont think they told the police for a couple of days as she wasnt seen with her family the morning before she disappeared. thry found a syringe in the room that could have been for something to put her to sleep so they could go out and leave their 3 kids alone....

    The mccans -- complete morons.

  15. I'm sorry to say, but I really think she was killed and her body dumped somewhere in the sea...long gone by now :-(

  16. My mate reckons she's locked away in the basement of one of the tabloid newspapers (along with a comatose Princess Diana) until such a day when the can't push the story anymore and then suddenly Madeline will be 'found' by that newspaper selling then countless millions of copies.

    Seriously though she's most likely dead, the massive press coverage probably scared the kidnapper so much that he killed her rather than just leaving her somewhere to be found.

    She'll probaly end up like Elvis, with people sending in stories to tabloids of sightings for years to come. Claiming to have seen a little girl who looks like Madeline even when in reality she would have been 20.

  17. Ask the parents, they are so busy shouting their innocence and raking in the dosh, I think it is a smokescreen they know more than they want to admit. In any event they should be charged with neglect, who in their right mind goes out to dinner leaving their kids alone in a foreign country.

    The whole thing stinks. I just feel so sorry for the kid, whatever happened.

  18. I'm pretty certain that she's dead. She's too hot a property for even a pedophile gang to hold on to.

    Personally, I suspect that she was either killed by her parents or their friends in an accident. She woke up and got upset about being alone somewhere strange, they got angry about having to look after the kids on their holiday, and one thing lead to another......

    The only other answer is that she was randomly abducted by a pedophile. If so she was probably killed either that night or the next day.


  20. Abducted by agents of Satan and killed. Someone got paid well for that

  21. Unfortunately, I think she died a long time ago; probably taken by some crazed paedophile, raped and killed...I agree that I would like to think someone who couldnt have children took her and are bringing her up...but it's really unlikely

  22. Dead, by whom we don`t know. Howevet teh tapas 9 know alot more than they have admiitted.

  23. I fear she was kidnapped to order by an evil opportunist involved with vile paedophiles.

  24. There are hundreds of cases of children being abducted every year, and most get little or no mention by the media. But because Madeline happened to be abducted during the peak of the so-called "silly season" when there was little news for the sensationalist press to report, Madeleine hit the headlines day after day and month after month in a way no other such case ever has. This included Yahoo Answers where some excessively stupid comments were made through last winter, destroying any possibility of Madeleine being brought up somewhere else by loving alternative parents .

    Instead.although that may well have been the original intent when she was abducted from her bed, regrettably I believe the absolutely massive coverage in every possible angle about her by the media would have led to whoever had her panicking and killing her. This would be to make sure the body would never be found so they would never be brought to justice for their wicked crime.

  25. I think she got kiddnapped  like shannon matthews but she got found again, she probably died R.I.P mccan

  26. She was stalked and kidnapped.Her Mum and Dad are devastated and genuinely remorseful at their decision to set up a rota of checks.It's clear from videos and holiday snaps she is a much loved child.If she was killed accidentally yet loved that much no parent could carry on the pretence without breaking.They live a tortured life made worse by nasty people twisting the knife in them instead of the paedophile who took her.He must be laughing at all the support he gets.

  27. she wandered off

    she got out fell in the pool and drowned or some other unfrotunate accident and its being covered up

    her parents did it

    an egg faced abductor with no dna no finger prints and who got in from the inside was able to magic his way into an appartment and take her in under 15 minutes flat

    somebody or somebodies  somewhere has commited the most wicked of all crimes

  28. Well,

                  Seems like this CAYLEE ANTHONY case is similar?

    I mean the mother says she doesn't know where she is either?

    So the same thing happened to both..

    only the nasty person who [ knows[ knows what happened to them.

  29. Unfortunately I think she has been killed , by whom,who knows.

  30. She is a missing child who is sorely missed by her parents and siblings.

  31. Im telling you, I 100% agree wit "mummy fi". They killed her, I dont know how or when but they killed her. I have this funny feeling and when I do, it ALWAYS comes true.

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