
What do you think am i selfish?

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im a mom of 2 about to be three im young (22) and i dont have the self esteem or confidence i had before i had kids. I mean i dont have an issue with my whole body just the parts with stretch marks and saggy skin. I had told my husband that after i have this baby and i am done breastfeeding i want a tummy tuck lipo and maybe a breast lift or breast reduction which ever is necessary after this child. I wokrout daily even throughout this pregnancy but nothing seems to make the saggy skin go away and that is just embarassing and depressing for me. i dont even let my husband see me nude cuz its taht embarassing for me. So what are your thoughts and opinions?

FYI i have a 3yr old 15 month old and i am due january of 09




  1. There's nothing selfish about that. I am a mom of 2 and as soon as I can afford it I am going to have my b*****s lifted and a few other things!

  2. Don't feel bad, I agree with you! When I am done with kids (this is my first) I want to get work done if I need it too. I love to walk around naked and really fear that my body will change. In fact that is the reason I didn't want kids for the longest time. I am 28 now though and am ready. You are still very young and after three should be done. Take care of yourself why you can lifes short!

  3. You are not being selfish!! You just want a nice body you can be proud of. I totally understand and if I had the money I would do the same after I am done having kids as well.

  4. I think you aren't selfish. You are like most women out there. insecure about your appearance. However, the way I look at it. Sure, I'm not perfect, but this is me and my babies were well worth it . The reality is that  men and people aren't as critical of you as you are of yourself. It takes awhile to get back in shape and it sounds like you had yours close together. Just enjoy your kids and stop focusing on your looks. Your hubby loves you for you and your beauty inside and out. Unfortunate like magazines, we can't photo-shop our bodies, so we are in the real world not tv land or magazine land and we are real human bodies. Nobody is as critical of you as you are being on yourself.  

  5. no it's not about being selfish at all

    you've had enough kids I guess

  6. He married, He Loves you no mater how you look for God sake

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