
What do you think an old soul is?

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I've always felt different from everybody else. Even my family. I feel like I'm on a different plane or something. Even when I was little, I was always conscious of what I was doing (right and wrong) and thinking about life and stuff. It's funny because kids and animals are drawn to me for some reason. I seem to get along with them the best. And the elderly too. There's more but I don't know how to explain it all, lol. What do you think constitutes as an old soul? Do people with old souls just have a way about them that seems different from other people? What do you all think? Do you think you might be an old soul? Sometimes I feel like this is my "last time" on earth. It's a really weird feeling.





  1. An old soul is one that has inhabited a different body in a past life/lives. Old souls do have a way about them that seems to discern a diifferent "vibe" to life. Maybe a deeper understanding or appreciation for what's truly important and what's not. Animals in particular seem to sense this and gravitate towards an old soul. If you feel this way, you might ask around for a reputable person who could lead you in a past life regression. It will be worth the time and effort.

  2. To me having an old soul could mean different things:

    * the person has an old soul that was reincarnated into their body

    * the person is very mature for that person's age

    * the person is wise beyond their years of life

    * the person identifies more with the past

    * the person is really boring and acts like an old person

  3. In my faith, it would be an old spirit. We believe our spirits pre-existed our mortal bodies. Some spirits wait longer to come than others. Those who have waited a very long "time" are old spirits. Much along the same lines as an old soul in the religions of re-incarnation.

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