
What do you think are the best years of your life?

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I heard someone say that they are wasting the best years of their life here in this small town.....(I think they are wrong) I don't think that these are the best years of our life... SO i was wondering what do you think Were, Are, or Will be the BEST years of your life???




  1. hmmm i think between 15-20 were the best years... life was just about having fun, no worries about a job, or money.. simple things made me happy...just hanging out with friends was enough to be happy..

  2. right now i am in a good mood so i am tempted to say each passing year is better than the last, but that sounds too good to be true, although i dont have any argument against it. I guess a lot depends on the perception of the situation, one could make a positive out of a really bad situation and could be happy with that (my friend as an example) so i think i am going to stick to my initial thought that each passing year is better than the last, more years, more experience, more lessons, better person. But feel free to discard the answer as i might have a different view on a different day but ill try to make sure to change my answer if my thinking changes

  3. What an amazing question.

    May I say that I think small towns are great.

    Second of all, I think every year of life has its own pros and cons. My favorite years were, thus far, ages 12 to 19. But every year brings some new reason to be thankful to be alive.  

  4. If you are rich, it's when you are young.

    If you are not rich, it's when you can retire and have financial independence.

  5. I think 30s are iam 21 i think when iam 30 il have a good job home money be very comfortable in my self staring a family still been and looking young i have the 'one' already but i plan to have everything in my 30s

  6. Now and forever more... :)

  7. which I am living to best of my ability to enjoy the most,

       I do not go back in time to remorse on those years, bu look ahead what is coming to me.

  8. I think it depends on if you are male or female.  I'd say for a boy the BEST years are the years of discovery - 8-14.  Playing truant, going fishing, getting into trouble (and not getting prosecuted but chided or whipped), getting chased by wild animals (crocodiles, hippos while fishing) and still not having the fear of an adult.  First love, first kiss, first infatuation  THOSE are the idyllic, carefree years I think.  

    For girls, perhaps puberty would not be the best years (maybe 16 onwards - first prom, first kiss, etc).    

    After 21 reality sets in, fears galvanise, habits are formed....youth starts to fade...body stops growing and starts to age ....

  9. The best years are those ahead of us. We can learn from our mistakes and move forwards as we progress as more fully rounded individuals with a better experience of life and all it has to offer.

  10.   I think that any year above ground is a good year... but I'm 54 and I think it just isnt any particular  age but how we live the lives we are given..

  11. I figure 13-18, or when you hit late middle school and high school.  Since you develop the brain capacity to enjoy simple things, like I enjoy talking walks and going to my elementary school to swing.  But that's just me.  I haven't been through the whole trip yet.

  12. i think the best years of your life are your teen years 13-19

    but when you are about 15

    because you don't have to pay for much you arnt treated like a baby or an adult  and that's when you start gaining responsibility

    so defo your teen years :)


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