
What do you think are the biggest or most common myths about mutts?

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What do you think are the biggest or most common myths about mutts?




  1. I heard that it is worse to feed "people" food to pure breeds than it is to mutts.

  2. That is you put some stupid name on it then it is suddenly worth like 4 of your paychecks!

  3. that they are not as healthy as prue breads ...they are probably more likely not to have as many health problems. Mainly because so many people inter bread their pure breads which is such a same!!

  4. Mutt owners are more aware of animal welfare than purebred counter parts?

  5. Hybrid vigor.  It's almost becoming "common knowledge" that mutts are healthier than pure breeds.  


    Just to clarify: it's considered common knowledge, when in fact, it is a misconception.  Mutts are not healthier than pure breeds as a rule.

  6. That they're healthier or have better temperaments than their purebred counterparts. If you mix two breeds, you can expect to get the temperament and breed-specific health issues from either side of their heritage.  

  7. that they are healthier than purebreds,

    people think if you mix 2 dogs together with a common health problem like hip displesia that the problem will dissapear.

    if you mix it with a poodle it wont shed.

    teacups are healthy dogs

    they are purebreds because they have some weirdo name and are registered with CKC

  8. They are both more intelligent and healthy then purebreds.

    My mutt is less healthy and although smart, my purebred picks up on things faster.

  9. Healthier then purebred !!

  10. I think it is commonly believed that mutts (I hate that word) are inferrior to purebreds and are less intelligent, mis behaved and such. It is just not true. I own two Chihuahua/Poodle mixes and they are the smartest, most loving, wonderful dogs in the world. After all all dogs are just that dogs they all came from the same place. We have just altered the development path of some so we could get what we wanted and classify them as "breeds".

    Check out for more information about mixed breed dogs.

  11. they are dirty

    they are stupid

    they are mean

    but thats not what i think :D

  12. Mutts that've been mistreated are better then when they haven't.

    Or that they are dumber then purebreds.

  13. That they are not as smart as pure breds. And that they are pointles. I also think it is TRUE that they are sweater, if they come from shelters.

  14. That they don't deserve the same things as purebreds.

  15. That they are better then a purebred.

  16. that they arnt as healthy.let me splain that a puppy is lab/chow/pointer/boxer. if she has increased risk from all those breeds health problems, and she also has resilance to some of them because of those i rest my case.mutts are happy healthy pups

  17. I'm talking about Designer breeds (mutts).  They claim to be better than pure breed in every way.  And that's why they charge bookoo money for a mutt.

  18. That they are healthier than pure bred dogs

  19. that they aren't intelligent. they are very intelligent.

  20. that they are stupid and ugly

  21. Mutts or adopting?

    If it's adopting then one item that drives me crazy is "you don't know what you're going to get."  Well, you don't know what you're getting with a puppy from a breeder either!  Dogs are all individuals.

  22. I agree with the above poster, that they aren't intelligent. A lot of them are extremely intelligent.

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